Happy December!!! Wow time for count down to Christmas Day!!
It is strange here because all the stores tell you Christmas is on the way and all the street decorations suggest it is fast approaching but like years past when we have been away... It's not like home! I love the spirit of Christmas and this year I definitely feel the disconnection here... for me.
In Central & South America school is almost over for summer break. School is finished on December 14th until March 5th, 2008. The kids school will not have a Christmas concert because of Summer holidays so the spirit is absent around school however on December 8th it is Mothers Day here in Panama. Easton's class is doing something special for the Mom's so that will be fun... Two Mother's Days in one year, I feel so lucky :- )
It is strange here because all the stores tell you Christmas is on the way and all the street decorations suggest it is fast approaching but like years past when we have been away... It's not like home! I love the spirit of Christmas and this year I definitely feel the disconnection here... for me.
In Central & South America school is almost over for summer break. School is finished on December 14th until March 5th, 2008. The kids school will not have a Christmas concert because of Summer holidays so the spirit is absent around school however on December 8th it is Mothers Day here in Panama. Easton's class is doing something special for the Mom's so that will be fun... Two Mother's Days in one year, I feel so lucky :- )
In this blog I have three videos. I heard some people were unsure how to access them. When you see the picture with an arrow click on that and it will show you the video on youtube. Turn up your speakers and enjoy!!!
Other things that are new... we are looking for a new apartment as the one we are living in has been sold. This has been an interesting hunt... we have until Feb 15th which is a bit of time, but house/apartment hunting is alot different here than it is back home :- ) You need alot of patience with the Panama market!
Other things that are new... we are looking for a new apartment as the one we are living in has been sold. This has been an interesting hunt... we have until Feb 15th which is a bit of time, but house/apartment hunting is alot different here than it is back home :- ) You need alot of patience with the Panama market!
I do also have to mention that I have been doing a bit of kick boxing with a trainer. The other day I kicked a little to hard and broke his finger... hehe... Trent told him "where I come from you would never admit a girl hurt you" Jorge (from Columbia) said "I am a man from Columbia it is different for us." Funny how two men can think so differently.. but the moral of the story is - someone taught me how to kick boys...haha

(I just wanted to show what it takes for a die hard fan to watch a CFL football game.... thank goodness for technology... Trent had a very nice quiet afternoon snuggling with his computer)
What else is new... well I am not sure how it all happened but we got a kitty... The kids kept asking and asking for a pet which we said NO. Then Trent jumped to their side and said " a cat would be good, they are independent and very easy" I am not a cat person! Our poor old dog Monty is back in Canada who we all miss at my Uncles and I did not want another situation with another animal. However the kids really miss Monty and r-e-a-l-l-y wanted another pet. Needless to say we now have a new kitty.
Trent went to many pet stores and none of them had cats... Panamanian people don't like cats much and they are not highly regarded, so pet stores do not have any. If you want one then find one on the street somewhere... litterly. However we did find a kitty way on the other side of town at a pet store. The veterinarian told us someone left a box of kitties outside his door so he was giving away kitties. We went to the store and Everett picked out the new member of our family. The kids named her Lola. At first Everett's choice name was PET, Easton & Emma's was LooLoo and Elia liked Cindy.... Out of the mix, Lola was picked...
I have never really liked cats but this kitty is oddly cuddly and she likes to be held all the time. Getting Lola has been great for the kids... At times crazy for us because they all fight over who gets to hold her. Everett is learning how to be more gentle, East is learning patience and Emma is learning that Lola is not hers only... :- ) I told Trent "I think Lola plays dead with Everett because he handles her so much" The poor cat never gets left alone.
Trent went to many pet stores and none of them had cats... Panamanian people don't like cats much and they are not highly regarded, so pet stores do not have any. If you want one then find one on the street somewhere... litterly. However we did find a kitty way on the other side of town at a pet store. The veterinarian told us someone left a box of kitties outside his door so he was giving away kitties. We went to the store and Everett picked out the new member of our family. The kids named her Lola. At first Everett's choice name was PET, Easton & Emma's was LooLoo and Elia liked Cindy.... Out of the mix, Lola was picked...
I have never really liked cats but this kitty is oddly cuddly and she likes to be held all the time. Getting Lola has been great for the kids... At times crazy for us because they all fight over who gets to hold her. Everett is learning how to be more gentle, East is learning patience and Emma is learning that Lola is not hers only... :- ) I told Trent "I think Lola plays dead with Everett because he handles her so much" The poor cat never gets left alone.
(she is very spoiled with love already.. Trent loves her)

(I am not sure who's idea it was but Lola made a trip to the Bagel shop one morning with Trent & Everett - I was not there... Only in Panama)

(this is how I found Lola sleeping the other night - crazy kitty)
Here is a story..... I was watching Dancing with the Stars (so happy we got it) and Trent asked me where Lola was... I had no idea I was watching my show. A while later Trent said he was going to bed and he could not find Lola. So about 2 maybe 2 and a 1/2 hours later I head to bed and I can not find Lola. I look in all her hiding spots and she was not coming to her toy... This concerned me because Everett plays hide and seek with her and you never know where he hides her (it is funny) but Ev had been sleeping for hours. I look everywhere, our place is not that big, finally I say to myself... I should just check... I open the fridge door and there on the lettuce Lola is sitting... The poor little kitty was actually in the fridge. I woke Trent and told him. He has no idea how she got in there without him seeing. But this morning she jumped in there again, she jumps in the strangest spots, so now we have to keep our eye open for her...
Easton's Karate
November 17th was Easton's first ever karate tournament. It was an international tournament with participants from 14 other countries including Canada as one of them. This tournament was a first for all of us, we had no idea what to expect.
We arrived at the stadium early in the morning and met the other competitors from Easton's karate school.
We arrived at the stadium early in the morning and met the other competitors from Easton's karate school.

(Ev licking his lips wanting to get out in the action... Easton's coach keeps on me about Everett coming to class, but I worry about Everett... he will love the fighting a bit to much :- )

(all six mats where full of action all day)
In the video below is Easton at his karate tournament... So proud of our guy.

(Easton so proud of his trophy... he said he will keep in all shined up)

(Easton and Alex proudly showing off their hardware)
There may not be snow... but Christmas is still in our hearts....
As I have mentioned Christmas is everywhere here. I was asked how Panamanians celebrate Christmas... As far as I can see the exact same as we would in Canada minus the snow boots.
Em and I found our tree for $35.00 and everyone picked out 5 decorations. The kids wanted singing Christmas lights but we could not find any. It was fun putting our tree together and seeing what different decorations we all picked out. I love decorating the tree, the kids get right into it... the only thing missing was yummy Egg Nog.
Em and I found our tree for $35.00 and everyone picked out 5 decorations. The kids wanted singing Christmas lights but we could not find any. It was fun putting our tree together and seeing what different decorations we all picked out. I love decorating the tree, the kids get right into it... the only thing missing was yummy Egg Nog.
I am sure I have mentioned the unbelievable decorations you can get here... I wish I could get a 8 foot tree and decorate it for myself... it would be beyond anal (as my dad would call it) Speaking of my dad on November 20th it has been 8yrs. since his passing. Time has flown by and I wonder all the time what he would say about our life choices and the kids. Easton is a constant reminder of my dad in so many way. Amazing, he will never be forgotten.

(Ev & Lola sneaking in some snuggles as we prepare the tree)

(our finished tree for 2007)
(the very excited munchkins)
Again in Panama it was another holiday November 28th which was a Wednesday. We decided to take advantage of this mid week day off and head out to Playa Blanca (all inclusive resort) to meet the Day family. It was a great few days except for Everett battling an ear infection so no pool for him... Ev did way better than I thought under the circumstances, he got to go quading again one of his favorite activities. This trip though the boys were getting pretty aggressive and they all took a toss off the quad. Everett even had one breeze by his legs... tough kid. It was great to get the Day kids together with ours... they have so much fun.
Another funny story... Believe it or not at this resort we knew other people from Canada. All those from Owls Nest... do you remember the family that used to be in Brock's spot... Cheryl, Gary and their daughter Haily... well they were at Playa Blanca... can you believe the odds of that. They are down here looking for a condo to buy... This is the second time we have pumped into someone we knew here in Panama... IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL. :-)
Another funny story... Believe it or not at this resort we knew other people from Canada. All those from Owls Nest... do you remember the family that used to be in Brock's spot... Cheryl, Gary and their daughter Haily... well they were at Playa Blanca... can you believe the odds of that. They are down here looking for a condo to buy... This is the second time we have pumped into someone we knew here in Panama... IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL. :-)
(Trent put a cracker on his shoulder and the toucan came to him... these birds are fascinating)
(my man East getting up nice & close)

In the video below Easton is busting a move... everyone was in stitches watching him take the spot-lite...

(for whatever reason bugs love Trent. He takes bites for all of us... no one ever looks like this except for him. They gave him VICKS vapor rub to put on the bites and it worked. It is as bad as it looks :- )
(Schmulands & Days... memories we will not forget, especially the macaroon balls.. yummy, yummy, yummy)
Emma's Mary Poppins concert... after all that practicing the show has began.
Emma has practiced three times a week for her part in the opening act, dancing as a penguin. It was great to finally see this show take form and see it live. There were four performances, two on Saturday & two on Sunday. Emma had alot of fun and now says she wants to be in more plays... we will have to see what happens. I am so proud of Em for taking this dance on, she is really coming out of her shy stage. The school the kids are at is very artsy so if they stay there is will be great for Emma. I struggle though because of the language... they forget I don't speak Spanish and I find information out last minute... The joys of living in a different country :- )
Like the other events we have been involved in here... I am was amazed at all the costumes that each performer had, they were awesome.
Like the other events we have been involved in here... I am was amazed at all the costumes that each performer had, they were awesome.

In the video below is Emma performing her dance in Mary Poppins... Way to go babe, love you so much... proud of you!
There is a Christmas parade here next weekend that I am hoping to take the kids to it, I am so curious to see what it is all about. At Pricemart (Costco to us) they sell the large lawn blow up Snowmen and blowing snow, so the parade should be great. Most of the people in this country have never seen snow and the ones I have talked to would LOVE nothing more than to see snow once in their life. It amazes me how something that can be such a menis to us in Canada would be the greatest thrill for someone here...
A very Merry Christmas season to you & your families. Have fun being together and eating yummy treats!
A very Merry Christmas season to you & your families. Have fun being together and eating yummy treats!
All our love - Merry Christmas
Love Trent - Jody - Emma - Easton & Everett
Love Trent - Jody - Emma - Easton & Everett