(the title signifies a song Trent and Jim played ALL SUMMER LONG... just needed to clarify) Sitting typing right now almost feels foreign to me.... I have missed it.
It is now the beginning of October, the kids are back in school, Halloween is 24 days a way, winter is around the corner and Christmas Day is only 78 sleeps away. WOW!
Hello to anyone new to our website and Hello to everyone who keeps asking me if an update is happening... well here it is.
One other things you can CLICK on the pictures to enlarge them if you need to!
Hello to anyone new to our website and Hello to everyone who keeps asking me if an update is happening... well here it is.
One other things you can CLICK on the pictures to enlarge them if you need to!
Trent left Panama a week before I did in June to go back to Calgary to take care of cleaning up our killarny garage ( what a task that was). I stayed in Panama with the kids an extra week to tie up all the loose ends with school here. The school was very supportive of us making a trip back to Canada so that was wonderful and set us up with alot of school work to cover during our time back in Canuk land.
The night before I left with the kids to fly back to Canada I have a funny story now.... but it sure was not funny that night..... All week I was talking to Trent while he was back in Calgary enjoying some of our favorite restaurants and seeing some friends while I was a playing single mom in a country I do not speak the language fluently in... an adventure in itself. It was a Wednesday and the kids and I were flying out on Thursday early morning.
After school on Wednesday I took the kids to swimming and arrived home at 4:00pm to NO power. That may not seem like a big deal but for us down here no power means, no fans, no air-conditioner, no house alarm, no house telephone and pitch black out at 6:00pm. The kids clearly had to get to bed because we had a very early morning and I still had packing to do.
It was very eventful putting them to bed with no air or fans, the air outside was still with no breeze so it was just HOT. I took towels soaking them in cold water wrapping the kids up with to cool them down trying to get them to sleep. We made a camp out in the boys room, with candles and sang until all the munchkins were a sleep. It will be a memory we will not forget.
During all the excitement of trying to pack in darkness I was calling Trent back in Calgary from my cell phone while standing in the street to share my stresses. I could tell Trent was concerned but what could he do. Later I found out that when I was calling and managing our home and children back here in Panama he was enjoying some nachos and drinking a few cold ones with his buddy back in Calgary. Life is hard hey honey. :-)
The kids did amazing on the flights back to Calgary, they are seasoned veterans now in airports and on airplanes. It was very peaceful flying alone with them, I even finished my book on the flights.
The moment the plane lands in Calgary it seems like we are running. I love coming back to Calgary seeing everyone and like I have said before eating at our favorite restaurants. We love food :- )
Thank you to everyone who took the time from their busy schedules to share some great laughs together & cook us delicious dinners.. :- )
(so happy to make it to Harlow's dance recital... it was so cute and
she looked adorable)
she looked adorable)
We again rented a house in Lake Bonavista which works out really well for us. The kids ride their bikes all over and their favorite part is having TV. In Panama we have no TV so the excitement they had to see some shows was priceless. They are so deprived..haha NOT.
In the two weeks we spent in Calgary we devoted most of our time going through our boxes in our garage trying to decided what to do with everything. We sold most of our furniture, filled a huge dumpster for the dump and condensed our most precious possessions. Our whole life has been downsized to 28 banana boxes of things I CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT. 20 boxes are photo albums. It felt good to rid ourselves of extra stuff but very sad at the same time. Once we started there was no stopping. Anyone who stopped by the garage left with something,., haha.
Our two weeks in Calgary flew by like usual, but it was great. Emma got to connect with her buddy Ziyana which is fantastic for her. They had a sleepover and just hung out doing what little girls do, it is wonderful they can pick up right where they left off from last year. With Emma at Ziyana's it allowed us to take the boys to the military museum in Calgary... they LOVED IT.
(went to a Stampeders game on June 24 and FROZE our butts off... it was so cold we had to leave we could not take it anymore. I know we are spoiled with warmth now :- )
I am looking forward to next summer of having nothing to do but visit when we come back to Calgary... no garage, no clearing out boxes, no selling stuff... just hanging out enjoying.
After Calgary we made a side trip towards Hinton Alberta to meet up with my Galbraith side of my family. On our way we stayed a night in Jasper for the fun of it. Oh was it fun :- )
(the view of the Rockies as we head to our next destination)
(animals everywhere on the road from Japser to Hinton)
As we left dinner in Jasper, Everett was racing Easton down the street. Everett running full tilt like he does, looked behind to see where Easton was and ran SMACK into a parked van. Ev sliced his forehead and blood was shooting out like a hose... it was gross. Oddly enough we were right in front of the hospital where we waited a few hours for him to be stitched up and sent home with stitches and glue trying to hold his cut closed.My sister was in Jasper at the time spending time with her girlfriend. She was such a great aunt that she took Emma and Easton back to the hotel to put them to sleep. Thanks Bon. Everett was fine but he sure does have a very visible scar on his forehead that I am not sure will ever go away. Boys will be boys.
(Everett finally fell asleep while we waited for the numbing medicine to absorb in his head before they started sticking needles in to stitch him up. It was not very fun when we had to wake him up as you can imagine)
(a view of the stunning Rocky landscape. This picture is for everyone who has not had the privilege of visiting Canada yet)
On our drive to Hinton we took advantage of our time to show the kids the Columbian Ice Fields, this was Trent's first time as well. It was a great learning experience while we froze our limbs, but worth it.
(Trent and the kids all dressed up in my coats trying not to freeze standing on the ice field. We did not plan any snow climbing when we went back to Canada in June..haha)
(Ev enjoying a refreshing drink of pure, natural, unfiltered, God created mountain water... IT WAS COLD)
(these 4x4 buses were fascinating. There are only 23 in the world and 22 of them work here on the ice field. The tires alone are over 5 feet tall and cost $23,000/tire)
(since our family was together in Hinton we celebrated my Gramma's birthday a bit early... She looks fantastic. Any guesses on her age? I hope I look this great when I get there)
Owls Nest our home for the summer. We arrived at the beginning for July to spend the next two months, tubing, skiing, playing in the sand and spending time with great people. Owls Nest is a place my dad went to as a kid, I went as a kid and now our kids enjoy. I feel so blessed to be able to spend as much times as we do and with people we love out there. We had many visitors who stopped by, it was an fun & eventful summer.
(here is part of the gang we hang out with at the lake... fun times!)
(love this picture of the Schmu, Drew, Pearce & Korber kids... a walk after picking fresh fruit in the orchard)
(our kids had the time of their lives playing along their pals all summer...
(L-R) Nickolas, Amy, Avery, Emma, Easton, Everett)
The event of the summer...
Mom turned 50!
This summer we celebrated my Mom's 50th birthday and had a great party for her. Emma dressed her up and we decorated as much as you could at the lake. Thank you to everyone who contributed to her special book, it turned out amazing. My mom's birthday fell during the week everyone was out so it was a nice time. My sister, Harlow & Keidis were there. Jill (my cousin) flew in, my Auntie Penny came out with my mom, long time friend of my mom's Linda Mill (Jodie's mom) my Uncle Ian (my dad's brother) & Tammy, Quinton and the rest of the crew... Drews, Pearces & Korbers.
(Keidis (our nephew) was in his favorite spot... in my bed cozy as a bug, watching a show after the long day of playing at the beach)(my Mom & Auntie Penny ready to hit the beach to for fun in the sun. Emma decorated my Mom but so there was no mistaking it was her birthday)

(we had this awesome cake made for her... it was perfect for the occasion it showed her two greatest pleasures..haha)
(thank you to everyone who contributed to her book... it turned out amazing & as you can tell she was very touched by it)
(us girls... Me (with my new due) Jilly, my Mom, Bonnie & Auntie Penny)
(Monty our old dog made an trip out to see the kids with my Uncle Ian for a couple of weeks. The kids loved seeing him it could be the last time... Monty is now 12yrs. old and is slowing down just a bit because of his legs... He such a good dog... he is very loved! Thank you again to my Uncle Ian & Tammy for taking such great are of him)
(the kids spent hours on the floating island loving summer)
(Harlow (our niece) had a blast at the lake but does not like to swim like her mommy... lol )

(we had this awesome cake made for her... it was perfect for the occasion it showed her two greatest pleasures..haha)
(thank you to everyone who contributed to her book... it turned out amazing & as you can tell she was very touched by it)
(us girls... Me (with my new due) Jilly, my Mom, Bonnie & Auntie Penny)
(Monty our old dog made an trip out to see the kids with my Uncle Ian for a couple of weeks. The kids loved seeing him it could be the last time... Monty is now 12yrs. old and is slowing down just a bit because of his legs... He such a good dog... he is very loved! Thank you again to my Uncle Ian & Tammy for taking such great are of him)
(the kids spent hours on the floating island loving summer)
(Harlow (our niece) had a blast at the lake but does not like to swim like her mommy... lol )
(Easton almost off the tube but recovered nicely... the kids are a blast to watch, they spend hours a day touring the lake like this)
(Trent even gets in on the action. He likes going on with the kids so he doesn't get tossed off)
(not everyday is 35 degrees so on a cooler day we took advantage of the weather and walked down the tracks for some yummy ice cream. The kids found a hide-out)
(here is Amy & Easton... they share a unique bond, we have many pictures like this one...sooo cute... off to get some ice cream)
(GAME ON.. we ventured out to play a FRIENDLY game of laser tag with the families. It is fun maneuvering all over and then seeing what everyones score is at the end.
(looking at Trent & Jim Drew you would think being at the lake was hard work... I don't think it is the lake, I think it is late nights playing music and raising their arms up to their mouths night after night... love you guys)
Visitors to the Lake
My familia
It is busy but fun when my family come to the lake, we have lots of laughs and some really funny pictures. My sister came out for a week with the kids which was awesome and my Mom & Auntie came with her as well. The lake would not be the same without everyone. THANKS FOR MAKE THE TRIP OUT!
(Auntie Penny, Mom, Bonnie, Harlow, Keidis & our crew)
(thanks for bring the munchkins out, next year will be just that much eaiser (me & my little sista)
The Galbraiths
Uncle Ian (my dad's brother) Tammy & my cousin Quinton ventured out for two weeks. It was fun meeting out on the lake and Quinton spending time with our kids, they really enjoy each others company. See you next year.
(Uncle Ian & Quinton)
The Reid family
Bruce, a glowing pregnant Tracy & little girl Alicia made it out to the lake to visit us in August. It was fantastic meeting up and spending the day playing around in the water. Thanks for coming out guys.
(boys will be boys... trying to prove their manly hood and who owns the dock :- )
(Trent being a bully and Bruce gracefully falling in :- )
The Newman Family
Colin, Jen & Jax joined us for 4 fun filled days of boating, tubing, lunches on the boat, swimming in one of the most beautiful lakes in the world and visiting my dad's rock every night. (ask them) It was great times and I think they got a good taste of what it is like to be at Owls Nest and see why we love it out there. Awesome people, laughs all the time, enjoying the lake and watching the kids be kids.
(The relaxed family)
(Colin & Jen were good sports... they got on the tube and held on for dear life)
(During the Newman's stay Colin helped in the aid of a quick animal discovery show with a snake about 2 feet long they found in the rocks)
OTHER NEWS:::: Easton lost his first tooth this summer! He was ecstatic, he has waited for this day for years. He was concerned the tooth fairy would not find him but she showed up and with a few coins.
OTHER OTHER News::: Everett had two trips to the emergency room and spent a night at the hospital this summer in Vernon BC. The little stinker swallowed a coin the size of a quarter. He was very sick for a few days before they had to take him to the O-R asleep to extract the coin. You can imagine our surprise when the surgeon came out with TWO coins they fished out of Ev's stomach. It was an eventful weekend but I think he has learned his lesson about putting foreign things in his mouth (at least we hope he has) He did NOT like having an IV in his arm and spending the night in a strange place.
(Emma & Amy look so cute with their hair in little buns while enjoying hot chocolate and marshmallows at Auntie Jodie's)
(Emma started a little business of face painting. Here are two of her clients who have yet to pay up she says... Nickolas & Ev)
(it is such a blessing the kids have the friendship they do and have as much fun as they do)
(here is a picture of most of the kids (missing a few) who hang out all summer long. Devin & Harrion Hiscock (missing big sister Morgan) Taylor & Morgan Vandergag, Tyson Silverton (missing Casey, Jesse & Tosh) Jole (missing Erica & Annie) Hanna Gable - the oldest of the munchkins, Avery & Amy Drew (missing Nickolas) Emma & Easton (missing Everett - he was asleep)
(One of our last days of the summer. Trent and I enjoying the hot sun, the smiles and laughter coming from our kids and all the memories we shared with so many great people this summer)
TIME TO PACK UP... Packing up is a sad job but once you start you just want to get out on the road. After the lake we decided to head back to Calgary on route through Nakusp. We spent the night at the Hylcyon Hotsprings... it was beautiful and the little cabin we stayed in was so cute.

CALGARY FOR 5 DAYS. We spent 5 night in Calgary to tie up some loose ends, pack away the boat, shop, say good-bye to everyone, all before departing Calgary southbound. The morning we left it was -3 degrees and raining... I have to say it was not to hard to say good-bye to Calgary in that fidget temperate :- )
(it is so much fun hanging out with Harlow & Keidis. Harlow loves being with the kids and loves loves loves her Uncle Trent & Emma. It is pretty sweet)
(good-bye to Mamma/ Bumma...thanks for spoiling them and see you soon)
(Trent's parents came up for a day at the zoo, Harlow joined in on the fun)
I am not sure if I mentioned that during our time in BC the kids had to keep up with their school work which entailed Spanish tutoring twice a week and home schooling with me every morning. The kids missed school in Panama to have fun in the sun at the lake, awesome trade off but a lot of work.
To top off our fantastic summer we decided to spoil our kids and my husband once again with a visit to see the most famous mouse with ears. Mickey Mouse. We admit our kids are spoiled with experiences not material things but definitely experiences and because Trent loves Disneyland almost as much as he loves Las Vegas :- )
When we head back to Panama in September it is a perfect time to stop down south because it is virtually empty with all the USA kids back in school... no big lines for us.
To top off our fantastic summer we decided to spoil our kids and my husband once again with a visit to see the most famous mouse with ears. Mickey Mouse. We admit our kids are spoiled with experiences not material things but definitely experiences and because Trent loves Disneyland almost as much as he loves Las Vegas :- )
When we head back to Panama in September it is a perfect time to stop down south because it is virtually empty with all the USA kids back in school... no big lines for us.
We made a pit stop for 5 days to hit Disneyland as well as visiting Universal Studios & a fun drive down to Sea World, San Diego. I was not sure how the kids would like Universal Studios but to my surprise they loved it. There is not alot of rides but they loved seeing how movies where put together (watching movies is our favorite family past time)
Sea World was not my pick to visit but Trent insisted we go. It was a nice and easy drive to San Diego and the day at Sea World was deserted. The lady told me that on a normal day they have 35,000 - 40,000 visitors and on the day we were there they estimated 5,000. I am in no way a supporter of captive animals but I do have to say the Shamu show sent chills up my spine, it was breathtaking.
After the Shamu show we opted to have a private lunch to learn more about killer whales. It was very educational and a neat experience to have a trainer right there to ask questions to.
(my mouseketters... The boys insist on dressing the same)After the Shamu show we opted to have a private lunch to learn more about killer whales. It was very educational and a neat experience to have a trainer right there to ask questions to.
(a fun picture... so there is NO confusion, this is not a real killer whale... just a really big fake one)
While at Disneyland I saw Heidi Klum & Seal. It was interesting to see their nannies trailing behind struggling with their adorable little kids as Heidi Klum & Seal walked hand and hand a few feet in front. Seal was singing as he was walking, in my opinion looking for attention from anyone who would look their way. Trent had no idea who I was talking about.
(Ev got a big sucker for not being tall enough to go on the Indiana Jones ride... what is a Mother to do when her little boy feels he is big enough to handle the ride)...he cracks me up
(ready to board Space Mountain... a great FAST family ride)
(Ev is here singing up a storm in Trent's favorite restaurant ESPN... he had not cares in the world of the crowd that was watching him... it was hilarious)
now here is a video of Easton "performing" up a storm at Libby Lu... an all girls store, loving his audience. PRESS PLAY AND ENJOY!

(Here is the answer to the Jaymee Richards question : No Uncle Shmu is not Shrek and Shrek is still bigger, not by much, but he is) It was pretty cool meeting Shrek!
(we also met Donkey who was VERY cool. He is just as sassy in person as he is in the movies. Easton asked him if he was a robot and Donkey shot right back at him, he could not believe Easton thought he was a robot... it was AWESOME)
(my mini Hulksters)

(also at Universal we got to meet ALEX from MADAGASGAR... He was one big lion)
On Tuesday Sept 9th. 2008 our wonderful neighbor from down the street in Killarny Dale Robinson passed away. Dale will be very missed around the community, particularly for Trent. Dale and Trent shared a great bond! Dale was ALWAYS there to help Trent not matter what time he called or what he asked. Dale took care of Monty for months at a time when we traveled each year and looked out for our house. Even when we moved down here to Panama Dale and Trent talked and Dale was still running errands a whole continent away. Dale was always one of the first smiling faces we would see when we went back to Calgary. He would be at our garage ready to chit chat up a storm. He will be very missed.
I want to say congratulations to Jodie & Jim Drew on expecting bambino number 4 due to enter the world January 2009... So excited for you!
More BABY news...
Bruce & Tracy Reid welcomed Mathew James into the world on Sept 5. 2008. Here is to another future footballer. He's adorable!
Other news...
Jilly Bean aka... Jill Edmundson my little cousin is ENGAGED.... Jill & Chad will tie the knot on July 4, 2009 in Edmonton. Can't wait for the party. Very happy for you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB Richards... today Rob is ** yrs. old! Have a great day!
We are all settled back in Panama. The kids are in school and adjusting right back into things. They are busy with after school activities and birthday parties (Panama style)
My Mom is coming down on October 18th for a week as a surprise to the kids... they won't know until we pick her up at the airport. They will go crazy when they see her.
As for trips coming up. There is a national holiday here in November so we might plan something and in between some weekend trips here and there. It is rainy season now so that means rain every other day for a an hour or so to make everything very lush. The temperature is about 27-28 degrees unlike summer here when it is around 36-37 degrees. To go to the beach on a day of 27 degrees is FREEZING... we are wimps..haha..
I hope you have enjoyed this entry... It is really a journal of thoughts and memories for us and the kids to sit back and reflect where we have been and how thankful we are for what we have. Thanks for joining this roller coaster ride with us.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you find time to sit down for a tasty dinner, appreciate all you have and give thanks for the many blessings in your life.
A message from the kids!!! PRESS PLAY!
Until next time. All our love
Trent. Jody. Emma. Easton & Everett