Time is Ticking!!!
For all my loved Albertains up north I can't wait to see how green everything is when we arrive this summer. We follow the weather and it is unbelievable the amount of precipitation that keeps coming down. It will make for some very beautiful lawns :- )
The Schmu family has been busy for sure. No one told me that even when my kids were this young I would already be a taxi driver, I thought they had to be older for it to start. Now that Everett is officially a big boy (so he says) lots going on with two very active boys and our princess daughter who tries to keep them in line.
We have ventured out a bit since my last blog. I feel blogged down when I don't stay on top of it and for everyone who asks "where are my updates" They are a labor of love... haha always in the works.
The Schmu family has been busy for sure. No one told me that even when my kids were this young I would already be a taxi driver, I thought they had to be older for it to start. Now that Everett is officially a big boy (so he says) lots going on with two very active boys and our princess daughter who tries to keep them in line.
We have ventured out a bit since my last blog. I feel blogged down when I don't stay on top of it and for everyone who asks "where are my updates" They are a labor of love... haha always in the works.
A few days in the interior at the NATURES INN just outside La Pintada for Santa Semana ... in other words holy week a.k.a - Easter Time. Easter is very big down here since 90% at least are Catholics.
Two nights in the interior (or countryside) to explore something new.
The Natures Inn B&B is run by a Canadian couple who are from eastern Canada. They came down to Panama in October and have not left. They fell upon the B&B and have just taken over managing it for income while they decide what is next on their journey all the while homeschooling their two kids. You would be amazed at how many people do this down here.
We have been meaning to get out here for about a year now. An American friend of ours owns and created the B&B and of all the days we decided to head out there our friend had a trip planned for Bogota Colombia. Despite missing him it was a great time and our kids can't wait to head back!
The Natures Inn B&B is run by a Canadian couple who are from eastern Canada. They came down to Panama in October and have not left. They fell upon the B&B and have just taken over managing it for income while they decide what is next on their journey all the while homeschooling their two kids. You would be amazed at how many people do this down here.
We have been meaning to get out here for about a year now. An American friend of ours owns and created the B&B and of all the days we decided to head out there our friend had a trip planned for Bogota Colombia. Despite missing him it was a great time and our kids can't wait to head back!
(We had no idea what to expect coming out to this place. It took us just over 2-1/2 hour to drive and you never know what lies ahead. Rounding the corner I heard Trent let our a big sigh of releif... (it takes a bit for him to come around to the idea of venturing somewhere new) Welcome to the Natures Inn)
(this was an amazing tree... this picture does nothing for the color it radiated)
(our cozy little room we all shared. It was exciting because we had HOT water and an air-conditioner... Excellent news!)
Just after settling in, the kids we ready to check out our surrounding that offered beautiful panoramic view of 415 acres of forested valley. The property felt like it was in the middle of nowhere, it was amazing.
(we took a hike down to the river to see the local swimming hole. The senary was of course beautiful. Some days I have to remind myself of the beauty that is all around, it is easy to take it for granted when you see it everyday)
(my amazing boys who dress like it is winter. They are completely climatized. Everett wears sweats and a long shirt EVERYDAY. It is a fight to get him to wear shorts. Easton loves loves his jeans no matter the temperature... they love their winter wear. haha) Here they are watching some local men cross the river, the men came out of nowhere.
(after a little sprinkle of rain out popped this beautiful rainbow for us to admire. There are so many beautiful simple things in our amazing world)
Giddy Up Horsey!
We arranged from the helper of the B&B to recruite some horses from the near by neighbors so we could have a family ride together. Trent, Emma & Easton all had their own horse and Everett and I shared a cozy saddle together.
The first day we went out riding we planned on being out for only an hour but it turned into close to 2. The kids did fantastic and learned in a real hurry what riding was all about. There was a crash course on holding the reins and what to do with them. They have been on horses before but not in total control. The four legged beauties were good for the most part but a few had minds of their own.
When we were done our two hour tour they couldn't wait to get back on again so the next day bright and early we arranged for horses again. Same situation ... Ev and I shared a saddle.
When we were done our two hour tour they couldn't wait to get back on again so the next day bright and early we arranged for horses again. Same situation ... Ev and I shared a saddle.
This morning ride put their skills to the test. Emma saddled up on a horse that had an attitude from the beginning and Easton had a horse that was on his own agenda. Trent's horse did not like him on his back and Everett and I had a fantastic mare.
Before we got back to the B&B we had all switched horses. I ended up with the very stubborn one, Trent led Everett on the tame horse and Easton followed suit. As the horses neared home they really started to pick up speed. Emma fell off her horse and Everett kept yelling to me as we let our horse run all out that his wieness (penis) was getting squished all the while loving how we were running really fast on air. No worries Emma was ok, she now understands the importance of keeping your feet in stirrups.
4 hours of riding in two days... I am so proud of my family and I can't wait to do it again. Riding sure brought back memories of my very stubborn horse I had as a kid. It was alot of fun.
Below are a few pictures of our ride and Everett's video. Listen to the sounds in the background. It is perfect harmony.
Before we got back to the B&B we had all switched horses. I ended up with the very stubborn one, Trent led Everett on the tame horse and Easton followed suit. As the horses neared home they really started to pick up speed. Emma fell off her horse and Everett kept yelling to me as we let our horse run all out that his wieness (penis) was getting squished all the while loving how we were running really fast on air. No worries Emma was ok, she now understands the importance of keeping your feet in stirrups.
4 hours of riding in two days... I am so proud of my family and I can't wait to do it again. Riding sure brought back memories of my very stubborn horse I had as a kid. It was alot of fun.
Below are a few pictures of our ride and Everett's video. Listen to the sounds in the background. It is perfect harmony.
(Trent had a good time riding away. It just looks funny to see Trent on an animal)
(on our trail ride the helper lead us to this rock. The legend goes that this was a map to treasure. No one really knows but what ever did create those grooves, was sharp and straight)
VIDEO for you!
(Ev recounting the joys of riding away in Canada... funny guy, he means Panama)
Now I am very open minded about most things (I like to think so anyways..haha) When the kids suggested along with the other young Canadian girl to go swimming in the river, I said NO WAY! This is where my North American narrow mindiness kicks in and I ask the Canadian hosts;
-how clean is this river?
-is there a village up stream?
-any crocs seen meandoring down?
-any rashes appear after you swim?
As I am asking these questions I am trying to figure out a way to discouraging my kids from wanting to do this. Well I came to my senses or at least my husband made me or I would have been left behind :- ( I decided to brave it, put on my bathing suit and head out.
(here are the kids leading our treak through the bush to get to the river that was down a nice sharp cliff) No worries Trent panicked for both of us... love you honey
Another video for you!
(ohhh to be young again!)
(Easton was a trooper, he was very determined to catch a mino with his barehands and was patient enough to try for about 45min)
(look VERY closely and you will see a stick bug laying horitzontally. Below is a not very good video but you will get the just of it. A lady at the B&B screamed a curdeling scream when she saw the bug on a chair by her. Trent got a good laugh from that)
(I wonder how many we have passed and never have noticed before)
(East with the pet rabbit named Snowflake. Along with the rabbit there was a rescued chicken named Lucy that walked around begging for food like a dog. One morning at breakfast she jumped up on another couples table and stole the toast (the kids loved her)
(Ev enjoying our last night relaxing as the sun set and the warm breeze came through. The kids spent hours on the hammocks laying on thier bellies flying like Superman)
Santa Semana- Holy Week (Easter) shrines you find all over the country as the locals celebrate the death and Resurrection of Jesus. Some of these shrines were pretty elaborate with a spot to place offerings of food and other gifts.
(a shrine we saw leaving the small quaint town of La Pintada)
(the beautiful local church in La Pintada. I love these old white churches, I think they are so beautiful)
(on our way home we stopped for lunch at a beach resturant. Our kids are so funny and sooo loud :- ) Easton is wearing his new Forklore hat he needs for his traditional Panamainain dancing, he has worn his old one out. In the interior all the old Panamanian men wear these hats and Easton loves his just as much. If we thought we stuck out before, you can imagine how much we do when he dresses up in his get-ups.. lol)
The EASTER Bunny is coming...
the Easter Bunny is coming!
When we were in the States in Feburary I went to Walmart and stocked up on Easter decorating fun stuff so we could invite some friends over and make a big mess. Oh how my kidlets love it.

(I am not to sure who's idea it was to put sparkles on the eggs but they looked awesome. I did however have sparkles all over the house for many many days)
(a few finished products by the boys, a few broke in between coloring :-)
Sunday morning the kids awoke to trails of very expensive chocolate easter eggs and other yummy treats the bunny left on his travels. After they scowered the house for eggs it was time to head to church for their big performance. The kids go to church on Sunday nights to a group called Psalm 8.2 they LOVE it. It is a great bunch of kids with wonderful loving leaders. The kids are loving ... learning and signing about God.

(Ev is in the front row with the white stripped shirt. Easton is to the left second row in a blue stripped shirt with Emma behind him)
A video of the kids singing at Church on Easter Sunday...
(So proud of our munchkins. They practiced alot to learn the sign language and to learn this great song. xooxox The day before this preformance they went on a tour to a Seniors Home and an Orphage to share their music. At the orphanage this choir did an easter egg hunt with the kids and played some games with the orphans. At the Seniors home Emma said that the older people were so happy to listen to them sing)
After church on Easter Sunday we headed to our friends to continue the Easter festivities...

(all the kids at the starting line waiting for the count down to start the egg hunt. The eggs at this house had lots of money in them so the race was on)

(GuanCarlo scored a big loot)
Just liked these pictures so I thought I would share them of these grublets...

Thanks Ladies it was a really nice time! Love you all very much!

(Jill. Jody. Bonnie. Lori. Jenna all about to eat the most delicious banana crepe dessert that Bonnie would not share : - ) hehe)
(the beautiful local church in La Pintada. I love these old white churches, I think they are so beautiful)
(on our way home we stopped for lunch at a beach resturant. Our kids are so funny and sooo loud :- ) Easton is wearing his new Forklore hat he needs for his traditional Panamainain dancing, he has worn his old one out. In the interior all the old Panamanian men wear these hats and Easton loves his just as much. If we thought we stuck out before, you can imagine how much we do when he dresses up in his get-ups.. lol)
The EASTER Bunny is coming...
the Easter Bunny is coming!
When we were in the States in Feburary I went to Walmart and stocked up on Easter decorating fun stuff so we could invite some friends over and make a big mess. Oh how my kidlets love it.
(I am not to sure who's idea it was to put sparkles on the eggs but they looked awesome. I did however have sparkles all over the house for many many days)
(a few finished products by the boys, a few broke in between coloring :-)
Sunday morning the kids awoke to trails of very expensive chocolate easter eggs and other yummy treats the bunny left on his travels. After they scowered the house for eggs it was time to head to church for their big performance. The kids go to church on Sunday nights to a group called Psalm 8.2 they LOVE it. It is a great bunch of kids with wonderful loving leaders. The kids are loving ... learning and signing about God.
(Ev is in the front row with the white stripped shirt. Easton is to the left second row in a blue stripped shirt with Emma behind him)
A video of the kids singing at Church on Easter Sunday...
(So proud of our munchkins. They practiced alot to learn the sign language and to learn this great song. xooxox The day before this preformance they went on a tour to a Seniors Home and an Orphage to share their music. At the orphanage this choir did an easter egg hunt with the kids and played some games with the orphans. At the Seniors home Emma said that the older people were so happy to listen to them sing)
After church on Easter Sunday we headed to our friends to continue the Easter festivities...
(all the kids at the starting line waiting for the count down to start the egg hunt. The eggs at this house had lots of money in them so the race was on)
(GuanCarlo scored a big loot)
Just liked these pictures so I thought I would share them of these grublets...
What does a girl do when her sister is turning 30, and her other 3 cousins say "hey lets meet up for some laughs!" It left me no choice but to board a few planes Stateside and join the Gals for some shopping, pool time, the spa, and exchange childhood stories time.
This was a special trip as I got to have a slumber party with my sister every night like we were kids, had a toast to my cousin who is tying the knot this summer and reconnected with two of my baby cousins. There were some very funny moments... I am so happy we were all in a place in our life where we could do this for a few day. Before my cousins will have babies flying out and it will put the brakes on the getaways for a few years.
This was a special trip as I got to have a slumber party with my sister every night like we were kids, had a toast to my cousin who is tying the knot this summer and reconnected with two of my baby cousins. There were some very funny moments... I am so happy we were all in a place in our life where we could do this for a few day. Before my cousins will have babies flying out and it will put the brakes on the getaways for a few years.
Thanks Ladies it was a really nice time! Love you all very much!
(Jill. Jody. Bonnie. Lori. Jenna all about to eat the most delicious banana crepe dessert that Bonnie would not share : - ) hehe)
(a great afternoon at the pool I was fortunate enough to not fry like the other girls. Bonnie started a new fashion statement with design burns) xoxo Also on this afternoon Lori scored the benefits of extras in a bucket... Nice sugar daddy)
(real nice girls... love you! Good thing I had my pole! ) haha - hehe
Wow 7 years old. East is growing up into such an amazing young man. He cracks us up all the time with his one liners (i have no idea where he gets this stuff from) He definiely is very proud to be a red head and has no hesitation to remind us that he is a big boy and he can HANDLE IT.
(we went to his classroom to celebrate with some very tasty cupcakes. Easton did not want a big birthday party he likes things pretty quiet. His birthday requests included - day off school, a few presents and resturant of his choice. Pretty easy going!)
(East loved his hat I found, it played the tune of Happy Birthday with the push of a button)
(East and his best buddy Unbarto)
(the whole class had either green or blue mouths. Trent turned to me and said "oh I see you had a bite!" My teeth were very blue)
Wow 7 years old. East is growing up into such an amazing young man. He cracks us up all the time with his one liners (i have no idea where he gets this stuff from) He definiely is very proud to be a red head and has no hesitation to remind us that he is a big boy and he can HANDLE IT.
(East loved his hat I found, it played the tune of Happy Birthday with the push of a button)
(East and his best buddy Unbarto)
(the whole class had either green or blue mouths. Trent turned to me and said "oh I see you had a bite!" My teeth were very blue)
(even Emma walked around with blue lipstick for the afternoon)
(Everett says his birthday is next... Now the hat is his)
Congratulation to my cousin George and girlfriend Mel who welcomed baby Brooklynn into the world a few short weeks ago. She is a real cutie!
(Mel. Brooklynn & Georgie Porgie) :- ))
(Brooklynn you are a doll. Welcome to the world cutie)
My little sister is now apart of the 30's club. Bonnie turned 30 today! You look great Bon. love you xoxo
(Harlow. Bonnie & Keidis... fooling around at home)
Another blog down. I love putting them together I just wish I had more time to write and write and write despite some who only look at the pictures. haha you know who you are :- )
Well HAPPY MAY to all. Here in Panama we will be celebrating Labor Day so the kids have a day off school making it a long weekend. I pray that the rain holds off so we can hit the beach. Rainy season is moving in, humidity is rising and the wild thunderstorms will soon be shaking our house.
Until next time...
All our love
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Jody. Trent. Emma. Easton. Everett
(Everett says his birthday is next... Now the hat is his)
Congratulation to my cousin George and girlfriend Mel who welcomed baby Brooklynn into the world a few short weeks ago. She is a real cutie!
(Mel. Brooklynn & Georgie Porgie) :- ))
(Brooklynn you are a doll. Welcome to the world cutie)
My little sister is now apart of the 30's club. Bonnie turned 30 today! You look great Bon. love you xoxo
(Harlow. Bonnie & Keidis... fooling around at home)
Another blog down. I love putting them together I just wish I had more time to write and write and write despite some who only look at the pictures. haha you know who you are :- )
Well HAPPY MAY to all. Here in Panama we will be celebrating Labor Day so the kids have a day off school making it a long weekend. I pray that the rain holds off so we can hit the beach. Rainy season is moving in, humidity is rising and the wild thunderstorms will soon be shaking our house.
Until next time...
All our love
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Jody. Trent. Emma. Easton. Everett