Ahhh The Christmas Season... Christmas is one of my favorite time of years even with all the chaos that goes with it. I am now getting a chance to update our blog of the "Christmas Happenings" from Panama - Canada.
(Ev our sweet little "sheep" in his herd... there was 20 little adorable ovejas.... the cutest things ever)
(our handsome shepherd. East you did a great job!)
(Emma and her best pal Morgan singing like no bodies business. They looked beautiful. They had three costume changes, they loved the whole production part of the concert)
(my tuesday night bible study group. We celebrated Christmas with a delicious feast, played games and had a lot of laughs. A great bunch of ladies)
Christmas in Calgary!!! (again) lol... What a trip that was making our way back to Calgary. We departed Panama at 6:30am and arrived the same day in Calgary at 11:30pm that night (had a few delays due to weather). Normally the trip is a 14 hours day instead of a 17 hour one... those 3 hours made a big difference. We flew Delta this time and I have to say I will do whatever I can to avoid that airline in the future. Delta just seems so disorganized and not to particular to details like our trusted choice of Continental we usually fly. We decided to try Delta to change up our route and a change is what we got. However we arrived safe and sound what more could I ask for.
Left Panama at plus (something) hot Celsius and then landing in Calgary at minus something cold. It was refreshing :- )
Like always, we landed in Calgary and we were going full speed ahead for the next couple of weeks.
(the kids attended a Christmas Camp with Annabells Attic on Dec 21st. This was one of their hightlights of Christmas. Emma and Easton attended this Christmas camp three years ago and have talked about it ever since. It was a full day of crafts, treats, a marshmellow (aka snowball fight) and a special visit from the real Santa)
Came into Calgary and hit the road visiting great grandparents.
(A trip down to Lethbridge to see Trent's family for a night. Trent's Gramma is 90yrs.old a quick visit for a few pictures)
(My Gramma Galbraith. This woman is in amazing shape for her age. Went to visit my grandparents at their new abode in the river valley in Edmonton.... beautiful location. Thank you for the treats for the kids, very thoughtful)
(Ken (my grampa) with my cousin Donny and me. Ken loved showing off his new teeth. He had surgery to remove all his permanent teeth and had dentures put in. His teeth looked great. With his new teeth he wasted no time enjoying all the treats we brought him)
Christmas Eve 2009! What a fun day. Bonnie arranged a sleigh ride in Turner Valley for all of us to enjoy the spectacular sights of Mother Nature at wintertime. It was beyond beautiful, out in the the silence of the wilderness.
(me and my special little niece Harlow who has stole our hearts)
(the beautiful trail in the Winter Wonderland)
(Keidis the cutiest little 3 year old, such a special little guy who loves Easton)
(Bonnie.. Trent...Jody.. oh the memories go way way back. Fun times!)
(back to our Canadian roots... freezing our butts off ; - )
(Ev in his glory as he embraced time with the horses)
(Me and my Sista.... Thanks for the fun afternoon!)
(Christmas Eve... everyone all dressed in red, ready for the exciting night of waiting for the sounds of reindeer hoofs on the roof)
(the boys taking turns dancing with Santa. My mom collects Santa's so they are everywhere)
(Easton assisting with the seasoning of our Christmas bird. Mom and Jack got a deep frier and the turkey was its first victim)
(Christmas night the kids and I went tobogganing. It was a perfect night and a memory I will never forget sharing this time with my amazing kids. We are so blessed to be able to experience the fun of snow and the crisp night air that felt so great to breath)
On the road again... Up to the Park!
(no greater gift than Emma all wrapped up for her buddies Avery and Amy. You look so cute kiddo)
(interesting how the hockey rink has changed since I was a kid. We used to play in the stands to keep ourselves occupied, now the kids are attached to electronics)
(Nickolas teaching Everett what hockey is all about)
(OH the fun of being a kid again... Fly kids fly)
(Trent was not feeling well and fell asleep on the couch cuddling with a teddy... so cute. Two little girls gave him a beautiful makeover as he snored away)
(the two beauticians who were responsible for the art work on Trent's face)
(now doesn't this look like fun? .haha This is what skidoing looks like at -30degrees. It was fun though)
New Years Eve!!!
We played games, had good wine and took some outragous pictues. I have not laughed so hard to pee my pants in a long time.. what a great feeling..(maybe to much information.. lol|)
(Schmuland and Olynyk kids. The international kids who meet up when our paths cross. This year it was in the winter wonderland of Calgary... fun times)
We played games, had good wine and took some outragous pictues. I have not laughed so hard to pee my pants in a long time.. what a great feeling..(maybe to much information.. lol|)
(these are some funny heads...don't ask)
(Drews ... its been fun. Thank you for the funny pictures)
(Who would of thought the table would hold so many of us ..haha... My family is awesome at taking pictures... Keidis. Harlow. Em. East and Ev crack me up... love you guys!!!)
Embracing our Canadian Roots by....
Dog sleighing in the Mountains
(thanks for an amazing winter adventure Family... xoxoox ... I can't wait to do it again)

(it was a blast... I love these moments together. Also have I mentioned how much I love my pole for my camera... haha)
(me and my man... Here is to an exciting 2010 year!)
Well that is the "in a nut shell" holiday scoop.
All our love to you and your loved ones.
Until next time xoxoxo
Jody. Trent. Emma. Easton and Everett
Dog sleighing in the Mountains
Trent and I went dog sleighing years ago and loved it. I thought this would be an awesome family experience and it was the kids loved every moment of it all. Trent drove a team of dogs with Everett as his passenger and I commanded a team with Easton and Emma as my little Eskimos. Every one of our senses were tickled along this amazing route of a treed trail. I loved hearing the kids encourage our dogs and feel the power they had when then k-9's worked as a team.
(Everett getting all wrapped up to stay warm and a safety strap that proved to be valuable. Along the trail Trent slipped on icy terrain and fell while the sleigh tipped on its side as Everett was being dragged by the team of dogs. The team was stopped by the guide after they ran wild for 65-75 feet. Trent was finally reunited with Everett and Ev said his ride was AWESOME! This kids loves everything... Watching Trent fall and then the sleigh escape his hands with Everett being dragged was one of the funniest things I have seen. Most Moms would be panicked at the idea but I knew Everett would be fine, the only thing bruised was Trent's ego... which recovered when he saw a guide do the same thing)
(Trent, Everett and their team. You can click the picture to make it bigger to see the sheer excitement on Ev's face... it is not terror. They had the fastest team... alot of power with this crew)
(Trent, Everett and their team. You can click the picture to make it bigger to see the sheer excitement on Ev's face... it is not terror. They had the fastest team... alot of power with this crew)
(Emma, Easton and my team of dogs. It was amazing and so peaceful, Mother Nature at her finest. I was asked if the team of dogs just follow the leader and you become basically a spectator. NO!... When a dog needs to do his business (aka poop) you need to stop your team for that individual to finish. When you first arrive at the mountain you learn all the safetly and terminology you need to pilot a team of dogs. I have to admitt I was a bit nervous at first but then after 7 seconds it was time to enjoy)
(Emma and Easton with our team of dogs. This particular company trains their animals on affection and with positive reenforcement. The kids loved getting to know every dogs name and what their job on the team was for)
(my always comical kidlets... they are sooo much fun. Em and Easton were allowed to ride tandem with me in a few spots, Emma only fell off twice... again funny)
(Ev is with a traditional Husky... This puppy had beautiful yet mysterious eyes. He was one of my favorites to photograph)
(Ev got all cozy with their muscle dogs named Blaze and Spirit. Everett is always in his element when there are animals around)
(an experience worth a 1000 words... Me and precious cargo )
(thanks for an amazing winter adventure Family... xoxoox ... I can't wait to do it again)
(you guys take the best pictures... A way to your Mommy's heart xoxoxo)
(I love this pictures of the majestic mountain in the background while our little people make their way to the Spray Lake)
(you keep me laughing..)
(it was a blast... I love these moments together. Also have I mentioned how much I love my pole for my camera... haha)
Our last hurrah in Calgary... the kids out numbered the adults.
(all the crazy kids who stopped by...
Everett. Harlow. Jaymee. Christina. Jordyn. Ryan
Tia. Emma. Bradly. Ty . Easton and Keidis hiding somewhere in there)
Everett. Harlow. Jaymee. Christina. Jordyn. Ryan
Tia. Emma. Bradly. Ty . Easton and Keidis hiding somewhere in there)
(Ty and Easton... they have known eachother since they were born... two amazing little boys)
(Mr. Richards and Mr. Schmuland... the stories you guys will have in your old age :- ) All love, All love!)
(Harlow getting some special kisses from Mommy and Aunty. It was fun taking pictures with Pearl the boy fish...haha)
(Goodbye Mamma thanks for all the sleepovers and fun times... see you in February!!!)
(me and my man... Here is to an exciting 2010 year!)
This Christmas was about the importance of communication, unconditional sacrifice, friendship, family and very late nights. It tested the strength of our marriage which I have no doubt would take a combination of hurricane, earthquake and tornado to shake it up. You did great honey! Our love and thoughts go to our roommates over the holidays. It was intense at times but all worth it.
This winter was the best because there is no whinning about the cold. The kids appreciate it so much more now and I have to say, I do so myself. As crazy busy as it can be going home for the holidays I love spending time with loved ones. There never is enough time back though, my only frustration.... :- )
Well that is the "in a nut shell" holiday scoop.
All our love to you and your loved ones.
Until next time xoxoxo
Jody. Trent. Emma. Easton and Everett