HELLO from the Schmuland clan. Since you found our blog you must be checking to find out what crazy adventure we are up to now :-)

So... where to now and why???

The WHY: I have been asked so many times why Panama??? My speech goes something like this. it's WARM (haha) it is the safest Latin American country, it is close to Canada (close for us anyways, 10 hours fly time) Spanish speaking country, great infrastructure, lots of adventure, BEAUTIFUL, the Panama Canal and of course we have not been there yet :-)
This trip is not like the ones we have ventured on in the past years.
Each year I plan for months, stress about who is going to house sit, check our mail, watch Monty (our dog), arrange everything in the business for our 3 month adventure.
Well this year the stresses are a bit different...we have no house to be house sat, we sold it.
No business to worry about... we sold that to and as for Monty he is going to Dale (our old neighbor he loves)
What now you ask, that is a good question! We hope to slow down a bit in Panama, enjoy time exploring with the kids and focus on what's next.
On January 6th we depart Calgary for Disneyland so we can be kids for a week. Then on January 13th we will land in Panama City searching for the unknown. I hope you follow us on this journey and explore with us again.
It is now to get serious about packing since Jan 6th is coming very quickly.
Take care and until my next blog.
Jody and all the crew.
p.s... Last year we took our kids Emma now 7rs. old, Easton 4-1/2yrs. and Everett 2-1/2yrs on a life changing, amazing trip to Asia. On the right of this page you can find the link to our trip if you want to take a trip down memory lane. I truly hope that our adventures this time will come close to what I was able to write about in Asia.
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