We have been friends with the Days for six years since meeting at Westside Kings Church. Paul & Linda have two kids Sydney (10yrs.) & Josh (8yrs)... This family has decided to join the group of FAMILY WILL TRAVEL philosophy for a bit. They walked away from all their comforts, all that they know as normal and have decided to travel with their kids for about six months.
They stayed with us for 5 days. It was a great time. Emma gave up her room to bunk in our room. Sydney and Josh were a bit apprehensive about coming to Panama but by the time they spent five days here they did not want to leave to head up north to David ( an 45min plane ride from Panama City) The Days are going to check out the town of David and area and venture around there for a few months. Once they are settled we will make a quick trip up there to see what they are up to :- )
It was five action packed days around here when they came. We took them to our favorite hang out... the Bagel Shop on Thursday morning (Paul went everyday there after for his daily dose of coffee) I believe Josh wrote in his journal that it had yummy bagels there. After the bagel shop we did a quick tour through Casa Veigo... one of my favorite places in the city for its many colonial buildings. This area is slowly being restored and right beside these amazing buildings are some of the most raw living quarters in the city, here you see local. It is very beautiful here.
I do have to mention that it was wonderful having Sydney here... she is one great little photographer, it was nice I barely took any pictures with her and Linda around, they took lots of great pictures that you will see below...
Friday we let Emma & Easton skip school to hang out with Sydney and Josh (they were thrilled) We took the Day family to the Panama Canal which they were fascinated by.... who wouldn't be. I am amazed every time we pass it.... I still am amazed that in the 1800's this idea was thought of. You may have heard on the news that they are expanding the canal to accommodate the enormous ships of this day in age. Here at home we can here the explosions every once in a while... pretty neat.
After the Canal we went to dinner on the Causeway (where we ride bikes)
The kids were tossing around a special ball of Josh's that his friend gave him... they were playing right at the Marina.... IN WENT THE BALL in the water, poor Josh was devastated but it was looking like there was no way we could retrieve this ball because it was at least 15 feet or so down. It was a miracle that I saw a couple of Panamanian guys walking the plank on the opposite side of the water way from us. I yelled"Senior ayuda por favor" (help please) I was trying to push the ball over to him with the plastic pipe to no avail. This man scaled the beam... took the pipe from me and guided Josh's ball to the other side for his friend to throw back to us. It was amazing, an amazing act of kindness and how it does not matter what language you speak, what color your skin is... human nature is to help. It was pretty amazing. Needless to say Josh put that ball away and is safe guarding it.
Saturday morning everyone woke up nice and early to hit the road for an hour road trip to go fishing. Emma, Everett and I stayed home since Emma had dance practice for her International Festival on Oct 28th... also Trent said Everett could not go fishing unless I went... poor kid soon he can play with the big boys :- ))
Trent arranged a pontoon boat for the day of fishing out in Aerenosa. Aeranosa is where Trent has taken the kids fishing before on Gatun Lake. The report when everyone got home exhausted was... it was really hot and they said they caught about 200 fish. Sydney caught 18 in a row. It was an awesome day and the kids loved it. For 10cents/ fish the fishing guide filleted fish to be brought back home. Elia (our helper) cooked up a delicious meal of fish, they were excellent.
Saturday night I arranged to have Patricia (our babysitter) come babysit so we adults could have some peace and quite (mostly for me..haha) Paul and Trent had to have their afternoon naps before we went out on the town. Out for dinner to Benihanas, it is like Japanese Village in Calgary but alot more interactive. We had a great time and yes Jeff & Michele you were missed...
I took Linda to the shopping mall to get Sydney some flip flops... I think Linda was in shock at how inexpensive everything was. She found shoes for Sydney for $1.60, very cute ones at that. Linda said "we shouldn't of brought any clothes, we should have just bought everything here". Trent told me the same thing the first time we came down but I did not believe him. Also I think Linda was amazed at how modern and nice the mall was...
Sunday the kids had a birthday party to go to and of course Panama style is you bring everybody with you. It was Jesse Hall's birthday, friends from the states. The party was held at SpaceWorld... basically a big arcade with rides. Oh, did the kids have fun, even the big boys... Trent & Paul, they were like little kids racing against eachother.
Monday the Day's left for David and they are checking places out to see if it will be home for the next six months. It was alot of fun having them here, the kids had a blast swimming, playing lego and just hanging out.
Halloween is fast approaching and they do celebrate here which will be interesting. Our kids already have their costumes and are ready to go trick or treating ... winter jacketless : -)) I will report after Halloween what we do and what we see. I do not even know what the kids would say at the door, should be interesting. Easton today got invited to a costume party on the 27th so that will be really cute.
I did want to mention how we have found a way to keep our boys up on our Canadian national sport even if it is not on ice. We found hockey stick, pucks & nets at this one store here in the city that has some very cool toys. The boys spend hours playing hockey and taking shots on the net. Everett is the one who has a love for the slap shot. After they play hockey into the pool we go. A bit of Canada can now follow us where ever we go :- )
I think I said in the last blog that we were painting the kids rooms. They are painted, beds are up and are feeling more and more homey. It has been a challenge though trying to hang pictures... cement walls are a bit more tricky than dry wall. Cement also really soaks up the paint, you need many coats of it on the walls. When we were painting Elia was shocked to find out that we do not have cement walls in Canada... she never really thought about how cold they would be and that we would need insulation to stay warm.

Rainy season if upon us here and it has been alot better than we anticipated... Summer starts in December. The kids are almost done school for the Panamanain school year, Dec 19th is their graduation and then it is summer break for local kids. We have tossed the idea of coming back to Calgary for Christmas but the kids had a vote and said they wanted to stay here to decorate our apartment with tons of decorations (I am not sure how I feel about that yet)... I was however out voted tonight at dinner concerning decorating our apartment. I was told that I get a small corner to decorate the way I want then Trent and the kids get to decorate the rest... Pray for me I can only imagine what this place will look like come December. Christmas stuff is everywhere in the stores already here and they say the Panamainans celebrate and really get into the Christmas season.
The boys have started baseball..... very local baseball. Trent found a phone number and after talking to various people on the telephone he got someone who spoke some english to find out about baseball. The boys have been going for about three weeks and love it. Trent said it is LOCAL no other kids look like our kids (if you know what I mean) he also said that these Panamaian boys are serious and ready to play... this is their ticket out. It is great exercise for the boys and great experience for them! I will send pictures when I have them. Last week they got rained out and Friday night we left town.... next blog.
Thanks again for exploring with us and taking some interest in our journey. All the best to you and your families and like usual we love to hear from you either leaving a message on the blog here or at schmulandj@gmail.com. There are a few people out there I have not got back to you, I promise in the next couple of days I will. We have been gone and just got back into town last night.
The boys have started baseball..... very local baseball. Trent found a phone number and after talking to various people on the telephone he got someone who spoke some english to find out about baseball. The boys have been going for about three weeks and love it. Trent said it is LOCAL no other kids look like our kids (if you know what I mean) he also said that these Panamaian boys are serious and ready to play... this is their ticket out. It is great exercise for the boys and great experience for them! I will send pictures when I have them. Last week they got rained out and Friday night we left town.... next blog.
Thanks again for exploring with us and taking some interest in our journey. All the best to you and your families and like usual we love to hear from you either leaving a message on the blog here or at schmulandj@gmail.com. There are a few people out there I have not got back to you, I promise in the next couple of days I will. We have been gone and just got back into town last night.
Until next time. Take care and chat soon.
Jody. Trent. Emma. Easton & Everett
Another wonderful blog...So have you heard from the Days?How are they making out?
Jody you are wonderful host,I am sure the Days enjoyed every moment with you guys.
I love the kids rooms,I knew the kids would pick those colors.
We are going to miss you so much at Christmas,But the kids will have a wonderful time decorating.Love and miss you all.Hugs for my babies.....Love Mom
Hola Amigos
Once again another amazing blog, I want to thank my beautiful wife of 10 years for doing such an amazing job on keeping track of our family events. It was great to have the Day family visit and we look forward to more friends coming our way. Just give us a little notice and we promise to give you the Panamaniam 2.5 star holiday all the way.lol
It is great to hear from you so please FEEL FREE to leave a comment on the blog (of course I am not talking to the same three people that always do - Jode appreciates you). Look forward to hearing form all of you.
That looked like a really fun blog...showing the Days around. The Schmuland trendsetters...you have followers now...ha,ha,ha. If only we could all afford to take 6 months or more off! Lucky people. I heard a short radio program about how Panama is a serious hot spot now for Canadians with the high dollar...all sorts of Canadians are buying property in Panama. Do you notice this? It said it is just going to get hotter because of the dollar. I thought it was such a funny coincidence that I caught this program.
Now that looks like fun fishing. Catching that many fish would never get old! They do not look like trout though. I'm waiting for the picture of Schmu standing beside one that is taller than him though...big smile on his face.
Love Emma, Easton and Everett's rooms. Great bright colors! You know you are really settling in when you start redecorating...which room is next?
Can't wait to see and hear about the baseball and the karate...that sounds excellent. Right on!
Well, signing off,
take care,
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