Time to see the sights!!!
The ports of call on this Disney cruise were
St. Maarten, St. Thomas & Disney's private island Castaway Cay.
In this entry is all the stories and sights we saw while exploring.
St. Maarten.
When we travel we usually take the interesting route. We don't book excursions with Disney, we piece adventures together ourselves. We do this for two reasons;
1. Everett is to young for most Disney approved adventures &
2. We like to get a flavor of somewhere by a unscripted local and see what happens.
1. Everett is to young for most Disney approved adventures &
2. We like to get a flavor of somewhere by a unscripted local and see what happens.
St. Maarten proved to be just that, an adventure and an adventure the local way. The Newman's decided they wanted to try their hand at the unpredictable way. We set out early morning in search of a boat in a marina down the trail. After a 15min walk we found our meeting point and Trent was able to locate the captain FINALLY! Things started to fall into place.
On St. Maarten we decided to book our own private motor boat to fish a little and snorkel with the kids. The weather was not cooperating as much as we would have liked and the waves were a thrill ride in of themselves. We scratched our original plan and headed to a bay for a few hours of play time.
On St. Maarten we decided to book our own private motor boat to fish a little and snorkel with the kids. The weather was not cooperating as much as we would have liked and the waves were a thrill ride in of themselves. We scratched our original plan and headed to a bay for a few hours of play time.
(our mode of transportation. The captain and his mate made us laugh and the homemade cookies were yummy. We had great friends and a beach to play on ... what more could you ask for)
(us girls out in search of treasure. Unfortunately the visibility was not the best but it was fun to float around anyways)
(us girls out in search of treasure. Unfortunately the visibility was not the best but it was fun to float around anyways)
(my fish... Emma says her favorite place to be is in the water)
(a quick video of a piece of St. Maarten from the water)
True STORY! When we got to Simpsons Bay Beach, Collin dove into the water and he came up screaming. When he dove in a fish bit his nipple. What are the chances of that, it was pretty funny but he was in pain. The little fishy was looking for some free food I guess.
(a view from the beach... The guys trying to decide which boat they are going to buy..haha)

(all the kids searched for sea shells and came up with some beauties.
The boys said it was COOL to be on the beach)
(our some times narcoleptic son. Ev did like he always does when he gets on a boat...
Starts to snore)
(all the kids searched for sea shells and came up with some beauties.
The boys said it was COOL to be on the beach)
(our some times narcoleptic son. Ev did like he always does when he gets on a boat...
Starts to snore)
The island of Sint Maarten-Saint Martin is the smallest land mass in the world to be shared by two different nations. Only 37 square miles are owned by France and the Netherlands Antilles.
The island of Sint Maarten-Saint Martin is the smallest land mass in the world to be shared by two different nations. Only 37 square miles are owned by France and the Netherlands Antilles.
The official currency of the French side is the Euro. The official currency on the Dutch side is the Netherlands Antilles guilder (florin). Good thing they take the US dollar from the thousands of cruisers that dock each and every day at the island as well.
St. Maarten was a nice day. In the afternoon Trent and Collin took the kids to play while Jen and I perused the shops. It was fun just walking around the streets checking out the merchandise.
St. Maarten was a nice day. In the afternoon Trent and Collin took the kids to play while Jen and I perused the shops. It was fun just walking around the streets checking out the merchandise.
(St. Maarten is beautiful, I love the colors and the European feel to it)
ST. Thomas
(here is our sailboat for the day... )
(East & Em are thinking they could get used to this life)
(and again our narcoleptic Ev again... No joke we got on the boat and 15min in he was asleep. He was moved twice to accommodate the change of sail direction and did not wake up)
(Ev is up ready to rock & roll. He was putting on a dance performance once we anchored)
(East jumped in the water ready to look for some turtles)
(Trent took this great pictures of the turtle. What a graceful creature. Did you know a turtles hold their breath for about 15mins. They come up for air and then descend down. It was pretty cool to see them so close. This was a great learning experience for the kids. They learn so much when put in these environments)

(here is Emma so very close to the turtle. It is VERY tempting to pet them but that is against the law carrying a $10,000 fine and it is not fare to Crush to endanger him with our touch. Emma wanted to but showed great restraint by pulling back. It was hard because it was easy to get caught up in the moment in this majestic peaceful place, on our planet earth)
The Sail Ride Back to Shore
The ride back was interesting since Captain Mike called the kids to the helm for each to have their turn at sailing. It was pretty comical since he encouraged the kids to grab a cold one while on the job. Ahhh.
This story would be very funny to you if you met the captain... he was clueless when it came to children... he was a middle aged man with no kids. No offense but not a clue.
(here is Emma fully in charge of our boat. No problems on her watch)
ST. Thomas
On to our next adventure. We again booked the next excursion with a local company and we were not to sure what to expect. After walking and walking and a bit more walking we finally found the correct dock to await for the arrival of Captain Mike and his sail boat. Our destination this day was Buck Island to do some snorkeling and if we were lucky see some sea turtles among the marine life.
Captian Mike and his mate ... WOW they were awesome. Customer Service, they had down to a science as well as their banter with eachother and the customers. It was a fantastic day.
Captian Mike and his mate ... WOW they were awesome. Customer Service, they had down to a science as well as their banter with eachother and the customers. It was a fantastic day.
(here is our sailboat for the day... )
This was the kids first experience on a sailboat and they did amazing. They loved when the mate put up the big sail and the boat tilted over. Easton sat on the side of the boat saying "this is the life". He knows how good he has it.
(our chief sailors ... BOND for life (BOND is some sacred football stuff... ask the guys)
(East & Em are thinking they could get used to this life)
(and again our narcoleptic Ev again... No joke we got on the boat and 15min in he was asleep. He was moved twice to accommodate the change of sail direction and did not wake up)
(Ev is up ready to rock & roll. He was putting on a dance performance once we anchored)
(East jumped in the water ready to look for some turtles)
(Trent took this great pictures of the turtle. What a graceful creature. Did you know a turtles hold their breath for about 15mins. They come up for air and then descend down. It was pretty cool to see them so close. This was a great learning experience for the kids. They learn so much when put in these environments)

(here is Emma so very close to the turtle. It is VERY tempting to pet them but that is against the law carrying a $10,000 fine and it is not fare to Crush to endanger him with our touch. Emma wanted to but showed great restraint by pulling back. It was hard because it was easy to get caught up in the moment in this majestic peaceful place, on our planet earth)
The Sail Ride Back to Shore
The ride back was interesting since Captain Mike called the kids to the helm for each to have their turn at sailing. It was pretty comical since he encouraged the kids to grab a cold one while on the job. Ahhh.
This story would be very funny to you if you met the captain... he was clueless when it came to children... he was a middle aged man with no kids. No offense but not a clue.
(here is Emma fully in charge of our boat. No problems on her watch)
(Easton's turn and OH my goodness he has a cold one.... What kind of driver can he be?)
(I love you guys... laugh it up)
(A fantastic experience on the sail boat. It was like we were the only ones around. Thanks for the memories)
(we left just in time for the rain. Here is a look back at St. Thomas from the ship. A very Caribbean flavored island)
Castaway Cay - The Disney Island
(here is Everett's masterpiece we worked on together. He was so proud of his creation, he couldn't wait to destroy it as soon as it was completed. Ah that's my boy!)
(our next sand creation... Easton... can you guess how he is buried? Is he in a big hole or is he laying on his belly?)
(My hunky husband started a friendly game of football on the beach)
(love this picture of Em... you are free to be anything babe)
(Ev showing his moves on the beach. I have about 50 pictures of him striking pose after pose after pose... you crack me up)
(me and my chicky on the beach having a wonderful day)
(I almost forgot that the kids wanted to learn all about sting rays again. It was a great opportunity to feed and touch them)
(two buddies after all these years enjoying time together with their families. Life is grand)
(the Newman's taking a nice family walk along the beach)
It was a fun week on the floating ears. My kids have definatly had their fill of Mickey & Gang. So much in fact they said they could take a break from it all :- ) You have to love their honesty...
Now off to our next stop. Florida... where in Florida I am not sure, all I know is that we do not fly back to Panama until Feb 25th so we better find a place, nothing like living life on the edge...haha. But with faith everything always works out!
All our love to you... xoxoxo Jody. Trent. Em. East. & Ev xoxooxo
(I love you guys... laugh it up)
(A fantastic experience on the sail boat. It was like we were the only ones around. Thanks for the memories)
The rest of our day on St. Thomas we spend on the Marriott beach. I loved watching everyone get tumbled by the waves and have permanent smiles on their faces. I will not forget Jax walking up the beach with his eyes closed following the sound of Jen's voice, he looked so cute.
(we left just in time for the rain. Here is a look back at St. Thomas from the ship. A very Caribbean flavored island)
Castaway Cay - The Disney Island
There is no missed detail with Disney. This was our second time on Castaway Cay and it is Disney Style. It was nice to find a seat (thanks Newman's) and just hang out for the day.
(here is Everett's masterpiece we worked on together. He was so proud of his creation, he couldn't wait to destroy it as soon as it was completed. Ah that's my boy!)
(our next sand creation... Easton... can you guess how he is buried? Is he in a big hole or is he laying on his belly?)
(My hunky husband started a friendly game of football on the beach)
(love this picture of Em... you are free to be anything babe)
(Ev showing his moves on the beach. I have about 50 pictures of him striking pose after pose after pose... you crack me up)
(me and my chicky on the beach having a wonderful day)
(I almost forgot that the kids wanted to learn all about sting rays again. It was a great opportunity to feed and touch them)
(two buddies after all these years enjoying time together with their families. Life is grand)
(the Newman's taking a nice family walk along the beach)
It was a fun week on the floating ears. My kids have definatly had their fill of Mickey & Gang. So much in fact they said they could take a break from it all :- ) You have to love their honesty...
Now off to our next stop. Florida... where in Florida I am not sure, all I know is that we do not fly back to Panama until Feb 25th so we better find a place, nothing like living life on the edge...haha. But with faith everything always works out!
All our love to you... xoxoxo Jody. Trent. Em. East. & Ev xoxooxo
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