Boggy Creek Airboat Adventures...
Oh ....this trip was with nature!
On top of Trent's list of TO-DO while in Florida, was to ride an airboat on the marsh. After reading many reviews we came to locate Boggy Creek Airboat Adventures about 20min outside of Orlando. This was a first for all of us and I do have to say it was pretty cool.
(a real stuffed gator. Alligator hunting is a legal sport just like deer hunting is for us up North. However the rules are a bit different when you hunt gators... The hunting takes place at night (crazy) and with a permit you are allowed 2 gators for bragging rights. The people we met living down this way, are sure passionate about their gators)

(here in the picture you can see bright pink clumps. These are "apple snails" these clusters could have anywhere between 100-1000 eggs. For protection from predators in the water, the female snail climbs up the tree trunk usually during night to lay her eggs. If you are wanting more information the website is full of a wealth of info)
(now here is a picture of the "apple snail" after maturity. They go from bright pink to this)
Out to look for creatures...
(this is the real deal... This airboat had 500 horse power and sailed over water, swamp & land. Wild machines. The cost of a boat like this is $30,000 )
(here in the picture you can see bright pink clumps. These are "apple snails" these clusters could have anywhere between 100-1000 eggs. For protection from predators in the water, the female snail climbs up the tree trunk usually during night to lay her eggs. If you are wanting more information the website is full of a wealth of info)
(now here is a picture of the "apple snail" after maturity. They go from bright pink to this)
Out to look for creatures...
(here we are on the boat and as you can see Emma has headphones on. You had to have them, the noise from the huge fan was so loud. Our driver was great, he had amazing eyes spotting alligators, Great Blue Herons (beautiful), Bald Eagles, wild turkeys. The list went on, this place was full of wildlife)
At one point we were driving through thick grass and our driver stopped and pointed. To my left on top of the grass in the water was a Florida Cottonmouth Water Moccasin Snake... I was on pins and needles. This snake easily could have leaped into the boat and bit one of us. Trent was thrilled to see it but I never had a chance to get my camera on it because I was to concerned about holding the kids back. My heart was definitely in my throat. With in a minute the snake disappeared into the marshlands and we now had a great excuse to tell the kids about this venomous snake.
At one point we were driving through thick grass and our driver stopped and pointed. To my left on top of the grass in the water was a Florida Cottonmouth Water Moccasin Snake... I was on pins and needles. This snake easily could have leaped into the boat and bit one of us. Trent was thrilled to see it but I never had a chance to get my camera on it because I was to concerned about holding the kids back. My heart was definitely in my throat. With in a minute the snake disappeared into the marshlands and we now had a great excuse to tell the kids about this venomous snake.
(Ev happy as a pig in mud. As you can see behind him the grass is TALL, it was a rush not knowing exactly what lay with in it)
(we passed through a clearing ... and this is what we came upon... An Alligator. The weather was chilly so the gator was not moving very fast but he gave us a good look'n over)
(this reminded me of what Shrek's swamp would be like)
(from afar these trees look diseased but up close they shimmer with beauty of Spanish Moss. All the trees were covered with it)
(a trip on an airboat going 50 mph or 80 km with no seat belts and no rails. My family loved it. This machine could turn on a dime and skipped on top of the water... pretty cool)
(a trip on an airboat going 50 mph or 80 km with no seat belts and no rails. My family loved it. This machine could turn on a dime and skipped on top of the water... pretty cool)
(I love this picture... Ev & Trent xoxoox)
This was an interesting day!!
Prior to our trip to Florida we had never heard of Holy Land until Trent's dad mentioned it. Did a bit of research and found out that Holy Land has been open in Orlando for 7 yrs but you would never know it because Orlando belongs to "a big mouse with ears."
From the moment you pass through the gates of the walled city, your immersed in ancient Jerusalem, intricately detailed, both inside and out.
The property is very well maintained and really gave the feel of an ancient world. Just recently a kids section was added with Noah's Ark which was a much needed addition to keep kids interest throughout the day. The theatrical shows were great, very informative and very well done. For the big show "the re-enactments of the crucifixion of Jesus. " This was pretty intense and powerful at the same time", we had to keep reminding our kids that it was actors and no one was getting hurt. It was extremely visual with the right amount of shock.
(Here is a picture of the Temple Plaza, were we walked under a massive archway beholding the stone plaza surrounded with Roman columns crowned with gold capitals. All this framed the Great Temple, the place held in highest reverence among the Jewish people. It is a representation of the Temple that once stood on hallowed Mount Moriah in 1st century Jerusalem)
(a theatrical presentation about the Centurion solider . It was very good the kids really enjoyed listening to the signing and learning something new)
(in case you're lost)
(this statue caught my eye. I thought it was a really nice subtle piece)
(see what I have to deal with... these kids are now learning how to work together to ask for something. How can I resist!)
(they got their treat and now they are happy, happy, happy)
(Emma was chosen to come up to play Goliath in Noah's Arc. It was pretty funny as David was a grown man. The performers made it very entertaining for the kids as they helped the audience members recount the famous story.... David & Goliath)
A powerful story told ... here are a few pictures.
(this last presentation of the day was all about the crucifixion of Jesus and the brutal beating he took when the soldiers led him to the cross. There was fake blood flying everywhere...)
Trent and I were torn about if the kids should see this performance. We talked to the kids and they said they wanted to and with constant reminding that is was all acting and they could see the actors were ok. It did spark some good conversations and what it mean to sacrifice and how ruthless humanity can be.
Trent and I were torn about if the kids should see this performance. We talked to the kids and they said they wanted to and with constant reminding that is was all acting and they could see the actors were ok. It did spark some good conversations and what it mean to sacrifice and how ruthless humanity can be.
(the gentleman who played Jesus did an amazing job. I felt like we were witnessing this historic event ourselves)
(this cross was standing high into the sky, the presentation was very visual)
(this statement was by the water fountain show)
Holy Land was definitely an experience!
Well it looks like spring is on the way for everyone up north. I think most kids are off for spring break so have fun driving your parents crazy..haha..
All our love and have a great weekend.
I keep forgetting to put our email address in case you want to email directly
Love always Jody. Trent. Em. East. Ev
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