AHHHH summer memories from the Okanogan! This was a summer of change on Kalamalka Lake. All my life we have stayed at Owls Nest Resort and after 30yrs. we made a huge move (so it felt) to Klub Kalamalka. At first, change is always interesting but we seem to be accustomed to it now..haha.. Klub Kal turned out to be a great change. Our friends the Drew's made the move also and we met some wonderful people at our new digs but missed special families at Owls Nest.
Like any move it takes time to set up and settle. Once everything was in its place it was time to play.
p.s. My blog is doing some funny things... so just excuse some of the odd things...
(I should keep better track of the hours we spend pulling the kids on the tubes. It is a minumum of 3 hours a day ripping these guys around. It is great to be a kid!)
(this year Emma took up wakeboarding. She loved it, even got her own board. It is fun to watch and it has given me time to practice my patience. Em and I are alot more alike then I realized, she wants to figure it out NOW... love you chicky!)
(there was a lot of opportunities for the kids to exercise their entrepreneurial spirits. Here they set up shop with a tattoo stand. I think they came away with a pretty decent profit but I couldn't tell you what they did with it.... (l-r)... Amy, Hillary, Avery, East and Emma)
(time at the lake is shared with the Drew Clan who expanded by one. This was Ally's first summer out and she was a trooper, no shortage of attention. I look at this picture and I realize why we get looks... It is fun being out numbered....oh, the memories)
(Easton and Emma loved spending time with Ally. They said they love playing with her making her giggle, then when she cried Aunty Jodie took her back. Yes it is a great setup! haha)
Family came to visit!
(we had alot of visitors this summer. We make up for lost time when we come back in the summer because BC is alot closer than Panama : - ) It's awesome seeing everyone. Mom, Bonnie, Harlow and Keidis and my cousin Jill came out.... It is so much fun spending time together)
(Keidis and his buddy Uncle Trent. Keidis truely thinks Trent is a Transformer. ... I have to laugh because Trent has been called alot of things and this is the first as a Transformer)
(Keidis loved chopping Uncle Trent's legs and watching him fall like a tree)
(cutie pie Harlow!!! Harlow spent 10 days with us this summer and she did fantastic with no Mommy around. She jumps right into the grove with our crazy cats)
(Keidis is somewhere in there... his chauffer ride to the beach)
(Can you believe it? My mom is on the tube with the boys. This is the second year in a row. Good for you Mom!)
(Can you believe it BONNIE is on the tube? Harlow and Keidis loved tubing and they wanted their Mom to come join in on the fun... You had fun, now next year you and I have to go on a good ride!)
Another fantastic event this summer was Kids Day! There was 7 teams of kids with seven events for them to compete in. Events included... water balloon sling shot... cherry spitting... bubble gum blowing contest... ring toss... bocce ball... obstacle course...and a tongle ball toss. Other fun events were the egg/spoon relay... the three legged race and... pop the water balloon on a chair with your butt.
It was so much fun and the kids can't wait for next year. Thank you Klub Kal!
(My snake man Ev... you look great buddy. Our kids love their face painted)
(the very colorful parade. Everyone got into the spirit of decorating their bikes, scooters, motorcycles, tractors to parade around their creations... it was a Hoot!)
(Ev and Harlow were on the green team. Their first event was bocce ball)
(Here Barcley, Jim and Trent (aka big kids) demonstrated how the three legged race would work. They had as much fun as the little ones)
(the girls kicking butt on the milk jug relay... It was a great day! I love all the enthusasim everyone had for eachother. At the end of all the events was the challenging scavenger hunt)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! oH... 12 blissful years!
(August was our 12yrs. wedding anniversary! Wow 12 yrs of fun and excitment. It has been a ride honey thanks for all the memories. The day of our anniversary we played in a beach volleyball tournement and had a dance on the beach... It was fun)
Klubkal had a tennis tournement followed by a big dance. OH MY what a party, the kids ripped up the dance floor. It was a blast, our kids love to dance just like someone I know! (wink) Watch the video to see what moves East, Em and Avery shook out!
(Amy and Easton ready for the dance. The theme was "Bad to the Bone" and these guys look B-A-D! ... nice tattoo East)
(Joe and Trent... our poll holders had fun with the kids doing the limbo)
(Avery. Amy. Emma... the girls... they were a blast to watch)
(Av and Em, a friendship since birth. The girls are growing into young ladies...ahhhh hold back their Dads)
(Life's always fun with Trent around. Here he is shaking it up with Sandy Harder and her niece Jackie)
(lets dance honey... try and keep up..(lol)
(BUST IT OUT GUYS!!! I love watching you move!)
(it was so great seeing the Branscombe family. They came out to the lake for an awesome visit. We were neighbors in Calgary in what seems many moons ago. I miss our afternoons in the park and checking out eachothers renovations) Here is Tracy and Evan out for some fun tubing...
Newman's annual trip!!!
(We are a "show" somedays. The kids love going through the canal on the boat to get ice cream. It is interesting getting all that helado into everyone's hands. We picked up a few kids along the way)
Monty ... still young at heart!

Galbraith Clan... Always great spending time together!
(I couldn't find the boys.. they hitched a ride in the camp taxi... the tractor! Thanks for the ride Mr. Nole)
What would our summer be without a couple trips to the hospital. Easton for an ear infection in the middle of the night and Emma... well she had a run in with her scooter handlebar and the road. Em was heading down a hill on her scooter and the next thing was everyone was running to come get Trent and I as she did a number to her face. Emma is so lucky, her injuries could have been so much more sever than what she walked away with. These pictures are GRAPHIC so beware. Em was a trooper. I can't thank everyone at KlubKal enough for all their help with the Emma and the boys. THANK YOU!!!
(Emma was a trooper while we waited for the emergency doctor to take a look at her. She went into shock at first but with extra warm blankets and some funny jokes she turned things around. We are so proud of her)
(you can see where her handlebar made contact. It tore right through her lip. She was so blessed to have not lost any teeth and none of her bones shatter from the impact. Em walked away with 9 stitches and a great story to tell in years to come) Last year it was Everett in the hospital with a face injury.... the joys of parenthood :- )
(i love this picture of Everett! He had some of the best jumps off the diving board... free as a bird)
(the very funny boys building and destroying their creations at the beach. Everett. Kyle. Nickolas and East)
(A HUGE thank you to Dr. John for being so great with the kids. Dr. John sounded his air horn twice a day to summon the kids for free slurpees. It was extremely comical because no matter where the kids were they had super sonic ears for the slurpee horn and they all went a run-en)
(all the sugar high slurpee kids)
(our last night at the lake. A fun time we had and great memories to cherish. Here is to another year of sunburns, hospital trips, awesome family and friends. Let us not forget about my labeled drink glasses ... haha)
We are bound for Calgary before heading back to Panama.
(packed up yet again.... We have this all down to a science now... well almost. I still seem to be loosing my mind shuffeling from one place to the next, but we would not have it any other way)
(stopped for a pee break and my cutie Everett got all flowered up by his big Sister... Ev your an awesome sport and you look so danty)
(Em and I at our pit stop at the edge of the beautiful Rookies... I appreciate the amazing senery so much more now. Is it age or because I leave and recognize what I left? Answer: A little of both)
(this was a day of pictures... My kids wanted to snap some shots and I was more than willing. I have decided that I better get in a few more pictures or the kids will never know what I looked like so I bought me a pole...)
It was an interesting summer filled with lots of family and friends. I have a hard time when it is over but it was time to head back to Panama and settle in to life of school and to more adventures that lay head.
All our love to everyone and I hope you enjoyed some pictures and the quick recap of what the Schmu's are up to.
Until next time.
All our love.
Trent. Jody. Em. East and Ev
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