Tuesday, September 7, 2010

moving on...

Summer 2010... 
Canada bound and not looking back.

We left Panama on the wee morning of June 10th, said our good-byes to our home of many years.  Checked our 12 bags at the airport with not problems all the way to Calgary and settled in to our regular fly routine. 

(To our surprise a school mate of Em's ~ Natalia was on the flight all by herself heading to the states.  It made for a great flight listening to the girls giggle and remissness about the school year)

Back to Canadian life

(a novel concept, the boys cutting the grass.  This is Easton's first go at it and he loved it)

(Back to see the little quirts.  Em cozying up with Harlow)

(Ev connecting with his Canadian roots by strapping on the hockey pads.  Oh this boy loves anything rough)

(A very quick day trip to see my grandparents, the kids love spending time with Gramma G.  She is so full of spunk for her age)

(Toured Edmonton looking for my Grampa Ken.  He was moved the morning we drove into town to his new home, a beautiful living facility.  It was a perfect afternoon for a walk)

Kalamalka Lake here we come...
Back for another year on the lake at Klub Kal.  Like every year the kids had a blast playing in the water and enjoying playing with their friends.  We tried our hands at surfing behind the boat this summer which was to much fun.

(The first couple of weeks were spent trying to keep warm.  The weather was horrible so we cozied up by the fire and played telephone while it poured rain outside)

(best buddies ~ love you boys)

(do you think these two are related  ;- )

Visitors to the lake...
It is always great to see smiling faces pass through camp.  My Uncle Ian and family came for their annual vacation on the lake which was great.  This year a new addition made the trip, Evangeline (my new second cousin)  She was such a cutie.

(Hello I am sooo cute.  It felt wonderful to hold a sweet babe again)

(Crazy Galbraith Clan. The kids love when Quintin comes to play)

The Newmans flew in for fun in the sun for 4 days

(My girlfriend Nicole and her kidlets (Tia, Ty, Jayden and Asia) stopped by a few times.  Our trailer was put to good use   :)

My lovely family came for their annual week ~ always fun.

(the kids ready to dive into Mom's birthday cake.  It is wonderful we can all celebrate together each year)

(us girls, another year gone by.  Love you! xoxoxo)

(a fun girls night chatting and laughing away like old times.  ~ Linda. Jodie. Raya. Jackie. Me. Mom and Bonnie)

Kids Day 2010 ~ An awesome event...
(all the under 13 kids at Klub Kal.  Love the poster (Em. Av. Am's and Page all did a great job on it)

(Ev all painted up as a spider this year)

(Brother like sister ~ both make me young with laughter  :)

(Keidis loved participating in the water rely race... way to go dude)

(big man East firing away at the cans... this was a fun race)

(A special picture.  Keidis loves his Uncle Trent  aka transformer)

Sock Hop August 2010... 
The big tennis tournament and Sock Hop happens on August long weekend.  The Newman's came out for their annual visit as well (sorry for the drama this year..haha)  Trent and Colin entered the tennis tournament and did awesome.  Trent's final game was so exciting to watch ~ awesome matches.

(the Sock Hop is always a hit with the kids.  They get to stay up late, dance until their feet hurt and spray their hair... who wouldn't love that  :)
East. Em and Ev LOVE your awesome hairdo's!!!

(Rock on Boys!  Doc (a fellow Klub Kal mate) gathered up the boys to put together an air band...What a show they put on to "So What" ~ by Pink)
(Kyle. Tanner. Nickolas. Wyatt. Jax. Grant. Logan. Ev and East)

(East loves the stage... you have all the moves)

(Ev's hair did not move all night while he was preforming on stage)

(Jen and Colin joined us shaking it up on the dance floor ~ my legs were tired)

(Ev and Nickolas ~ oh these boys are growing up fast... Buddies since birth)

(the morning after the big dance.  Their hair is still colorful and sticking up ~ that is how much goo was in their manes)... Grant, Kyle. Ev and East

(Keidis gets in one last snuggle with the boys)

(Ev lost his first ever tooth this summer.  The tooth fairy was very good to him.  It pays to loose tooth #1)

On the WATER...
(Emmy and her Daddy enjoying time out on the lake... our favorite place)

(Yes... Ev is asleep, laid his head down and lights out.  The rhythm of the boat lulls him to sleep ever since he was a babe)

(Like every year there was some great tubing and some crazy tubing wipe outs!  Amy and Everett flew with the birds this year  :)

(Avery and Emma... inseparable buddies, life long friends, a pretty special friendship between the girls.  Amazing to watch them growing into wonderful young ladies... love you)

(a new sport was picked up this year.  SURFING ~ it was addictive and challenging to get the hang of it.  We all loved it and can't wait to get back at it next year.  Way to go Babe, a sport you can do on water  :-)    But be warned the rope in Trent's hand can be a lethal weapon... ask Mr. Mchale)  

(Mama with the girls.  Way to go Mom, on the boat enjoying the day)

(East and Amy... the dynamics of these two changed a little this summer ~ the whole... you are a girl and I am a boy seemed to come into play, but they still chummed on the water)

(Two little rascals... Nickolas and Everett.  These two boys provide lots of entertainment when together)

(Another summer to a close for the Schmu ~ Drew crew.  We have spent many memorable summers together and here is to many more  :)  lots of love

(All packed up at the lake and on our way back to Calgary for our next journey.  I love this family)

We had a great summer break in Canada, it was shorter than usual but it was time to move on.  The end of summer in Calgary was spent weighing luggage, shifting items and reweighing again.  The kids were excited and nervous about our next phase but troopers like usual.

We did not have a chance to see everyone we would have liked to this go around, believe me we missed you!

Thank you to my Mom and Jack for allowing us to take over your house with not just 5 extra bodies but all our personal belongings we have as well.  It made our departure of Canada much easier on me... so thank you again.

Until next time from Asia... 

all our love
Trent. Jody. Ev. East and Em

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