Easter for us this year will be a bit different. No turkey dinner, instead we are trading the turkey in for a lobster. Panama is about 90% Catholic so Easter is widely celebrated here. We are however taking off to Island Contadora for 4 days. The island is so small you rent golf carts to venture around on to explore. I will let you know all about what we learn when we get back.
The kids are loving school. Easton was invited to another amazing Panamanian birthday party. These people know how to party, I give them that! This past birthday was for a boy in Easton's class named Victor and his family is from Peru who just moved here from Nicaragua..... they spoke great English. The party's theme was Scooby Doo and it was loads of fun for the kids.

Trent never came to the party because he entered another poker tournament... His weekly indulgence with Nick. Trent loves the game and improves his standings each week. Nick made it to # 5 out of 50 odd players. Jeff Simpson you better watch out ....haha...
Last Sunday we went down to Casa Veijo which is considered old Panama. You have to drive through a pretty rough neighborhood to get to there but it well worth the drive. The “Old Part,” also known as Casco Antiguo or the San Felipe district, is the most colorful part of Panama City. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1997. It’s a city within the city, and one from a different age. It’s a great place for a walking tour. You can wander down narrow brick streets, have a coffee at an outdoor cafĂ©, visit old churches, and gaze at the wrought-iron balconies with bright tropical plants. It has an unusual blend of architectural styles. Casco Viejo has a romantic look, with investors scooping up the property to do restore some cozy resturants and quaint cafes. Amazingly, this is being done with careful attention to keeping the old charm of the place alive. In some places the district now resembles the French Quarter of New Orleans.

We went on a Sunday when there was a small fair going on with clowns and street vendors selling their crafts. It was a very nice and extremely hot afternoon.
Last week I went on a two day very in-depth tour of all the hospitals in Panama City. On our tour van was 10 retirees from USA and me the youngest participant by 20yrs. easily, this tour is for expats living or visiting Panama City. It was a fantastic tour! I again was amazed at the excellent level of health care as I saw in Thailand. We saw state of the art MRI machines, CAT scan machines, behind the scenes of the blood labs in the hospitals.
The John Hopkins Hospital is a new hospital affiliated with the USA opened here last year. Well this hospital is like a luxury hotel at times. They have a service here called the Complete Medical Examination. In one day they do a comprehensive chemistry profile (all blood work) for woman mammoghrahy, bone density, chest x-ray, abdominal & pelvic ultrasound, EKG, cardiac stress test, hearing screening, visual acuity & glaucoma screening, a nutritional consultation, respiratory function test and on the second day a colonoscopy.
By day two you have a blue print of your body and all of your results. The price tag for this executive service for (woman is $3200) - (men $2800) that includes your consults with the physicians, all your meals and a night in luxury. On our tour we saw the hospital suites, this is not your ordinary private room, this is a living room with flat screen TVs for your guest. A separate washroom for your guest and then in the patients room the window treatments alone are worth the stay.
Two, possibly three hospitals here are way more accommodating than any experience I have ever had back in Canada. At one hospital the Director Chief showed us around his hospital, this was the hospital that is designated if any president is in the country and they need medical care.
On our tour we also went to a Wellness centre... When you find these places here in the city they are a treat. The Wellness Centre is owned by Americans who just moved here 6months ago from Hawaii, they brought all their knowledge here and have some amazing treatments... A great place to go to get a break when I get a chance.
The hospital tour was great, it really answered some of my big questions and I feel very confident that great health care is here that we can access if we need it!
Rainy season is on its way which we have not experienced yet. We have been told it will rain for 1-2 hours/day and then blue sky for the rest of the day. We will see, I am not sure what to expect.
As I have said before there is no Walmart or Zellers here. I heard of a store that would sell chocolate Easter eggs so Trent and I spent an hour driving around looking for this store last night just so the kids would have a egg trail from the Easter Bunny. Finally found the store and it is the best party store I have ever been into. They have the best themes and unbelievable party supplies. I did find the small chocolate Easter eggs and for a bag of them it cost $19.00us. Oh this years Easter Bunny will have no money left :- ) haha... Now I have to find a way to get all the Easter treats to the island without my very inquisitive daughter finding the goodies. The chocolate eggs this year will be throughly enjoyed by Mom & Dad...
At school today Easton had an Easter party. They went on an egg hunt and played some fun games. Easton did come home and say though it was not like Calgary... not very many decorations in the classroom. Yes things in Panama are celebrated a bit different.
I was out looking at houses the other day on Palm Sunday and drove into this little town. The street was blocked off and coming towards us was this parade of people walking with palms and singing beautifully. Times like this I find just amazing, to see how other cultures celebrate different events around the world. I took only a few pictures as I felt that I was intruding on their sacred time.
I do not have to many stories to report. My day consists of walking to & from school 6 times a day and a bagel shop pit stop. Less than a week now and my mom, sister, Harlow & Keidis get here. WOW has time flown by. I can't wait to smother Harlow and Keidis with hugs & kisses. I asked my mom what are some things she would like to do and she asked me " how far are you away from the Canal?" Only 5-6 minutes Mom.
Trent and I are most anxious to hear what my Mom and Bonnie will think of this place... it will be interesting.
Well I could babble on and on but I must go and get ready for our island adventure. Have a wonderful Easter will all your loved ones. Times like this I miss our traditions back home especially a Schmu/Drew Easter egg hunt in the snow :- )
This may also only interest Jodie:.... Jennifer (a friend from here)... her sister just came down for a visit and we went over to meet her. The sisters name is Lisa. This girl worked for Disneyworld and was the real deal... Cinderella... I asked her so many questions. Lisa is getting married in a few weeks at Disneyworld and at the end of the ceremony Cinderella's horse and carriage is picking them up and whisking them away for Happily Ever After! (pretty cool)
I told Emma that Lisa new Cinderella really well and Emma's eyes almost popped out of her socket... it was pretty cute.
Tonight we took Nick out for his birthday. I am pretty sure I have mentioned him before, he is from Florida and has been down here for about a year. The kids love him and he is really great with the kids... he does not have any children of his own. One day though.
A very HAPPY EASTER to you all. I wish you a safe and chocolate filled Easter with your loved ones. You are in our thoughts and for all living in Alberta I pray the snow stops :-)
Miss you and love you xoxoxo
Until next time love Trent, Jody & our cute, amazing spanish speaking munchkins
Until next time love Trent, Jody & our cute, amazing spanish speaking munchkins
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