Easter has come and gone and I trust everyones pants are fitting a bit more snug from all the yummy turkey & all it's great fixings.
For Easter break we headed out to Island Contadora a Las Perlas Island. The Las Perlas islands have hosted a lot of historic events. On Contadora Island the "Torrijos-Carter" treaty negotiations in 1977. They were completed in December 1999, ending the ownership and management of the Panama Canal by the USA, and delivering it to the Panamanians. We saw the house of the Vice President of Panama where the treaty was signed. The Panamanians are very proud of this!
Another historic event or events has been the film locations of two CBS SURVIVOR series. Survivor South Africa & Survivor Turkey have been filmed here also.
The Pearls archipelago is composed of 90 islands and about 130 islets or keys. The islands were formed by volcanic eruptions.
The island population varies and increases during high seasons. More than 350 people live on CONTADORA among them are only 9 families, that are permanent residents. The other ones are employed by the hotels, other businesses as house keepers or guards. There are only 181 homes and villas on the island.
Another historic event or events has been the film locations of two CBS SURVIVOR series. Survivor South Africa & Survivor Turkey have been filmed here also.
The Pearls archipelago is composed of 90 islands and about 130 islets or keys. The islands were formed by volcanic eruptions.
The island population varies and increases during high seasons. More than 350 people live on CONTADORA among them are only 9 families, that are permanent residents. The other ones are employed by the hotels, other businesses as house keepers or guards. There are only 181 homes and villas on the island.
Contadora island is either a 15min flight from Panama City or a 1.5 hour boat ride. We opted for the boat ride this time (thought the kids would like it and Trent waited to long to book a flight :- )
We parked our truck on the street by the marina and Trent said "the true test of Panama will be if our truck is still there when we get back in 4 days!"
We parked our truck on the street by the marina and Trent said "the true test of Panama will be if our truck is still there when we get back in 4 days!"

(at the causeway marina before we boarded our boat)
As we waited for our boat which was an hour late (typical for Latin America) Trent took the kids for a little walk and the next thing I saw was that Everett's shoe blew off and was now floating in the ocean.... What on earth were we going to do with a child with only one shoe...A very nice Panamanian yelled to a local fisherman to come retrieve Ev's shoe... Everyone cheered. So typical for one of my kids :-)
(Ev's shoe floating away)
The boat ride was nice on the way to Contadora Island. On our way out of the Causeway we had to pass and navigate enormous ships to head out to sea. Everett and Easton fell asleep on the boat so the trip went by very quickly.
(the kids love adventures)

(my seaman)
We arrived after an our hour & half boat ride... the boys rested and ready to play...
The kids went straight for the beach and water when we got off the boat. The sand was so soft on our feet.
The kids went straight for the beach and water when we got off the boat. The sand was so soft on our feet.

(the water taxi ferries you out to the larger boat. Here though there was WAY to many people in the boat as you can see. I thought forsure it was going down)... crazy Panama :- )
The resort we stayed at was Hotel Galeon. It was a smaller resort and very quiet. Each room has an ocean view with a small veranda. It was great because this resort was not crowded so the kids had a lot of freedom to venture about and all the staff knew who we were.

(my East takes the best pictures, thumbs up buddy)
Contadora Island is the island for the rich... People with alot of money have vacation homes here. A family compared to the famous Kennedy's have a huge home here, a few doctors, a family that owns a packaging company... & most recently a Canadian doctor bought a huge round house... it is beautiful.
The Latin representative for Christian Dior (cosmetic company) has an enormous house which has no stairs something like 6 elevators, an elevator that goes all the way to the beach even... the things you can do with money.
The Latin representative for Christian Dior (cosmetic company) has an enormous house which has no stairs something like 6 elevators, an elevator that goes all the way to the beach even... the things you can do with money.
(the *Kennedy's of Panama vacation home)

(here is the island main mode of transportation... golf carts, quads or this mule. We rented this mule for an hour to venture around the island... a very small island)
Trent & Easton went out with a local fisherman for a few hours one afternoon. It cost Trent $50.00 and he said it was well worth the money. Between Trent & Easton they caught 7 fish. They caught macrol, red snapper, grouper& jack fish. The largest fish was the red snapper weighing around 20lbs & it put up the best fight. The chef at the resort cooked the red snapper up for our dinner, nothing like fresh fish. Trent said the best part of the afternoon was seeing how excited Easton got about the fish.

(my proud guys with their snapper)

(the jack fish & snapper, their so happy)

(the boys all lathered with sun screen and covered as much as I can with clothing.... ready for a day at the beach)
Off on another adventure... a SURVIVOR adventure. As I mentioned earlier we were in survivor land. We booked a tour with a company that is owned by an Argentina couple to go explore some of the Pearl Islands. It was pretty cool to see where both "Survivor" series were filmed. I did alot of research before we came to the islands to find out where these islands were and the tour confirmed my findings.
The one tribal counsel island was about two miles off the main Island Contadora. The people on survivor would have been able to see civilization if they were on the south side of the island.
The one tribal counsel island was about two miles off the main Island Contadora. The people on survivor would have been able to see civilization if they were on the south side of the island.

(and yes, Everett fell asleep... we travel on water & Everett sleeps... he really can sleep anywhere)

(some fascinating star fish, the kids are really into this kind of stuff... I love this picture)
The first stop on our tour was a large sand dune island in the middle of the ocean. It was powder sand squishing through our toes. On this tour we had a translator along for the ride for us. The Argentina lady understood English but was not confident to speak it. I was asking alot of questions about the whole Survivor series. Through the translator I was asked about the series since she worked close with Jeff (the host) & the production crew. I was fascinated how they put the whole show together & was it for real.
It was confirmed to me many times that it is the real deal... the contestants are brought in and are litterly left on the islands to fend for themselves.
CBS came for a total of 3 months. A month before, a month during the shoot & a month after. CBS had a contract for all rights of the surrounding islands for 45 days during the shoot. They brought over a mini barge full of props and equipment. A staff of 300 was sent over including production staff & security. It was also stated in the contract that CBS was to leave nothing behind and leave the islands as they first found them.
I asked a few people who were around during the filming of the show "would you participate in the show?" and everyone said NO!
We saw where tribal counsel was held. The manager of the hotel told us that when someone was voted off... they were escorted in a blacked out van to the air strip on Contadora and a helicopter flew them off the island to an undisclosed location. (no one knew who was voted off except the contestants, Jeff & few other staff)
It was pretty wild, I could have asked a million questions. I did ask one more question, I asked if they know how huge Survivor is in North America... did they have any idea that people stay home on Thursdays to watch it, that there are huge Survivor parties for the finalize? They had a small idea, but I don't think they can grasp it, since I have no idea when Survivor is aired here on Panama television.
I am not a huge Survivor follower but I do have to say this was pretty cool to be out on these islands.
It was confirmed to me many times that it is the real deal... the contestants are brought in and are litterly left on the islands to fend for themselves.
CBS came for a total of 3 months. A month before, a month during the shoot & a month after. CBS had a contract for all rights of the surrounding islands for 45 days during the shoot. They brought over a mini barge full of props and equipment. A staff of 300 was sent over including production staff & security. It was also stated in the contract that CBS was to leave nothing behind and leave the islands as they first found them.
I asked a few people who were around during the filming of the show "would you participate in the show?" and everyone said NO!
We saw where tribal counsel was held. The manager of the hotel told us that when someone was voted off... they were escorted in a blacked out van to the air strip on Contadora and a helicopter flew them off the island to an undisclosed location. (no one knew who was voted off except the contestants, Jeff & few other staff)
It was pretty wild, I could have asked a million questions. I did ask one more question, I asked if they know how huge Survivor is in North America... did they have any idea that people stay home on Thursdays to watch it, that there are huge Survivor parties for the finalize? They had a small idea, but I don't think they can grasp it, since I have no idea when Survivor is aired here on Panama television.
I am not a huge Survivor follower but I do have to say this was pretty cool to be out on these islands.

(here is the island of sand. One of the rewards for Survivor was here, they had wine & cheese I was told... it was set up very beautiful the lady told me)

(this was our first stop... this was breathtaking. Emma collected about 45 sea shells just off this island, amazing sea shells)

(the island is owned by a Colombian and he has a house on it. Trent went back to the jungle part off the beach and he said it was very thick back there) A person can buy an island but ALL beaches in Panama are public, no one can have ownership of a beach.

(love my guys xoxox)

(on our way to the underworld)
(Easton had enough of the water, it's time to play in the sand to find barried treasure)

(Ev stricking a pose... a very cool island)
(we found some burried treasure here though at the beach by our resort)
(the view from our hotel room)

(our taxi picked us up to dine at a resturant 3 mins away... No Jimmy Drew no seatbelts but the kids did think this ride was cool)

(at the resturant the boys battled it out in chess...)

(Everett now takes his Superman everywhere along with his cars)

(Easton kept yelling "thank you Easter Bunny, you are the best... little did Easton know just how much it cost the EB to be the best)
(some very happy kids on Easter Sunday, mom's mission accomplished)
(the view from our hotel room)

(our taxi picked us up to dine at a resturant 3 mins away... No Jimmy Drew no seatbelts but the kids did think this ride was cool)

(at the resturant the boys battled it out in chess...)
We left the Contadora Island Sunday morning after an amazing 4 days. This was a fablous trip and we forsure will be coming back when we need a break from the city.
The boat ride home was eventful since it was over sold and we had no seats when we boarded (again Panama) Trent yelled and caught the attention of some people and we found seats. It was definatly interesting.
Everett was a sleep as soon as the motor turned over and Emma dosed off until everyone was standing and watching in amazment as we passed through a school of at least 80 Dolphins swimming on either side of our boat. It was amazing as the dolphins followed us and there were so many. It was a sight to see... we are blessed each and everyday to witness what we do.
On the island the Easter bunny did not have a chance to hide eggs since our hotel room was a bit to cozy to hide any. When we arrived home on Sunday the kids went crazy to discover the Easter Bunny did not forget about them and had hid eggs all over the apartment and left them a bag of treats. They were truely amazed the EB found them in Panama.
It was the end of an unbelievable weekend.
The boat ride home was eventful since it was over sold and we had no seats when we boarded (again Panama) Trent yelled and caught the attention of some people and we found seats. It was definatly interesting.
Everett was a sleep as soon as the motor turned over and Emma dosed off until everyone was standing and watching in amazment as we passed through a school of at least 80 Dolphins swimming on either side of our boat. It was amazing as the dolphins followed us and there were so many. It was a sight to see... we are blessed each and everyday to witness what we do.
On the island the Easter bunny did not have a chance to hide eggs since our hotel room was a bit to cozy to hide any. When we arrived home on Sunday the kids went crazy to discover the Easter Bunny did not forget about them and had hid eggs all over the apartment and left them a bag of treats. They were truely amazed the EB found them in Panama.
It was the end of an unbelievable weekend.

(Everett now takes his Superman everywhere along with his cars)

(Easton kept yelling "thank you Easter Bunny, you are the best... little did Easton know just how much it cost the EB to be the best)
Well my Mom, Bonnie, Harlow & Keidis arrived last Wed. after an exhausting two days of traveling. We are soooo happy to have them here, it has been great. Trent & I have been trying to show them the sights and cram everything they want to see in before they leave on the 25th.
Harlow is Emma's shadow and it is so cute. Emma really loves to take care of Harlow and Easton takes care of Keidis when he gets a chance. My mom & Bonnie love it here, more then they ever imagined.
We just came back from a great weekend away and I will start on that blog right away. It is VERY busy around here with 5 little ones ages we are a site at resturants :- ) My mom & sister are however loving having Elia (our helper) around, at the end of the day all their laundry is done and everything is clean.
Again thank you for following our explorations of Panama, I hope you enjoyed this Survivior addtion and if you have any question please email as I try to remember everything but it's late and I am sure I forget details. Also my sister says I type to much and nobody has time to read all the words I type... I LOVE my sister... honesty is the best thing in life.
Harlow is Emma's shadow and it is so cute. Emma really loves to take care of Harlow and Easton takes care of Keidis when he gets a chance. My mom & Bonnie love it here, more then they ever imagined.

Again thank you for following our explorations of Panama, I hope you enjoyed this Survivior addtion and if you have any question please email as I try to remember everything but it's late and I am sure I forget details. Also my sister says I type to much and nobody has time to read all the words I type... I LOVE my sister... honesty is the best thing in life.
Until next time all our love to you... and see you soon.
Love Trent * Jody* Emma*Easton & Everett
1 comment:
Hello Everyone...Well Bonnie the kids and I made it home safe and sound...Long day of travelling especially with a one and two year old..We had an amazing time in Panama City ...Jody and Trent are wonderful hosts and great tour guides...Your Blog was great Jody ...Next time add the survivor Islands on my tour list..I know lots to see and such little time...By the way when did you have time do this blog?...It seemed like we were busy 24/7 when we were there...Thank you again....Miss you all already....Love Mom
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